Cradle land of soil sciences in China

The Institute of Soil Science, Chinese Academy of Sciences (ISSCAS) was established in 1953. Its predecessor is the Research Office of Soil, Central Geological Survey Bureau established in 1930. ISSCAS has been shouldering the important task of serving agricultural development as well as ecological and environmental protection in China since its foundation. Now we has developed into a top-notch, highly reputable, national-level research center with a solid research base covering all disciplines of soil science.

  • Vision

    To be acknowledged as a first-class international research institute.

  • Mission

    ◆  To support the development of China’s agriculture and the protection of ecological environment;
    ◆  To cultivate a large group of excellent soil science talent to serve the needs of our nation;
    ◆  To carry out research work focusing on national soil resources;
    ◆  To promote academic exchanges between China and the rest of the world.

  • Research Excellence

    With its mission to shoulder the task of serving agricultural development as well as ecological and environmental protection, ISSCAS has been involved in a variety of major science and technology programs, such as National Basic Research Programs, China’s National Key R&D Programs, State High-Tech Development Plan, “863” Major Program (National Hi-tech R&D Program), “863” Key Programs, Special Programs of Basic Research Work of Science and Technology, Major S & T Special Programs, S &T Support Plans, Special Programs of Non-profit Industry of Science and Technology, Key Programs, Major Research Plans, Key Programs, Major International Cooperation Programs of National Nature Science Foundation of China. 
    In recent five years, ISSCAS has received 18 prizes for progress in science and technology, published over 1,500 SCI papers, 40 academic books, and obtained more than 90 authorized invention patents.

  • Global Presence

    We have made it a strategic priority in our development planning to go global and actively encourage a global vision by providing valuable platform for students and researchers from all over the world to interact across national borders. 
    ISSCAS has entered into partnerships with a large group of international research institutes and universities in over 40 countries and regions such as Rothamsted Experimental Station, Scottish Crop Research Institute, the University of Melbourne and Griffith University. In 2018, ISSCAS won the bid to host World Congress of Soil Science 2026 in Nanjing. 
    ISSCAS’s international presence has been further enhanced by visits of renowned scholars and experts, academic conferences and cooperation programs. 

Contact Us

Address: No.298 Chuangyou Road, Jiangning District, Nanjing, China
Phone: 025-86881114