Emerging Contaminants: A One Health Perspective

Date:May 23, 2024

The rise in environmental pollution is driven by rapid global development, which often prioritizes human needs over the health of the planet. Despite efforts to control legacy pollutants, the continual introduction of new substances poses a significant threat to both people and the environment. To address this, global initiatives are focusing on assessing risks and regulating these emerging contaminants. Urgent action is required to shift towards sustainable pollution management practices to protect the planet for future generations. Addressing this concern, a collaborative team of 98 scientists from 18 countries and 77 research institutions, led by Prof. Wang Fang from the ISSCAS, Prof. Zhu Lizhong from Zhejiang University, Prof. Wulf Amelung from the University of Bonn, Prof. Zhu Yong-guan from the Institute of Urban Environment, Chinese Academy of Sciences, and Prof. James M. Tiedje from Michigan State University, has delineated the sources and repercussions of these emerging contaminants on global health. They have proposed strategies for monitoring and mitigating these pollutants, underscoring the necessity of robust and equitable environmental policies at regional and international levels. 
This work has been published in The Innovation.
Fig: graphical abstract
WANG Fang 
Institute of Soil Science, Chinese Academy of Sciences
Email: wangfang@issas.ac.cn
Web: http://english.issas.cas.cn/

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