Hu Pengjie

General Information
Name: Hu Pengjie
Title: Associate Professor
Work Email:
Work Phone: 025-86881849
Research Fields
(1)Metal speciation and bioavailability in soil 
(2)Safe production and control in metal polluted agricultural soil 
(3)Phytoremediation of heavy metal polluted soil
Education Background
(1)2005 – 2010, Ph.D., Environmental Science , Sun Yat-sen University , Guangzhou, China
(2)2001 – 2005, Bachelor, Environmental Science , Lanzhou University, Lanzhou, China
Professional Experience
(1)2015 ― present, Associate professor, Institute of Soil Science, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Nanjing, China
(2)2010 ― 2015, Assistant professor, Institute of Soil Science, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Nanjing, China
Social Positions
(1)2015 – Present, Member, Soil Science Society of China
(1)Principle and technology of green and rapid removal of cadmium and arsenic from polluted farmland, 2022.08 – 2026.12, Subproject of National Key Research and Development Plan (PI)
(2)Demonstration project of the remediation of contaminated cultivated land in Yi'an District, Tongling City. 2022.05 - 2023.12, Agricultural and Rural Bureau of Yi’an District, Tongling City (Technical director)
(3)Soil-solution interface mechanism of cadmium and arsenic speciation in water-driven paddy soil, 2020.01 - 2023.12, National Natural Science Foundation of China (PI)
(4)Integration and demonstration of the pollution prevention and control technology in agricultural soils polluted by Cd and Pb. 2016.01 - 2020.12. National Key Research and Development Plan (PI)
(5)Application of technical achievements in safe utilization of cultivated land in Changshu (2022), 2022.06 – 2022.12, Agricultural and Rural Bureau of Changshu City (PI)
(6)Technical Services for the improvement of cultivated land quality in Changshu City (2021), 2021.06-2022.06, Agricultural and Rural Bureau of Changshu City (PI)
(7)Technical Services for the improvement of cultivated land quality in Changshu City (2020), 2020.06-2020.12, Agricultural and Rural Bureau of Changshu City (PI)
(8)Technical services for the improvement of cultivated land quality in Xiangcheng. 2020.01 – 2020.12, Agricultural and Rural Bureau of Xiangcheng District (PI)
(9)Key technology of rotation of Sedum plumbizincicola with rice in Cd polluted paddy soils. 2017.07 - 2020.06. Key Research and Development Plan of Jiangsu Province (PI)
(1)Hu Pengjie, Wu Longhua, Luo Yongming, Cao Yanyan, Wu Guangmei. A regulation method for cadmium contaminated farmland soil remediation while production: 201811600065.4, 2018-03-19
(2)Hu Pengjie, Wu Longhua, Dong Changxun, Zhao Jie, Li Yunfeng. Combined remediation of cadmium contaminated acid soil by chemical leaching and phytoextraction in nonferrous metal mining and smelting areas in southern China: 201510117369.5, 2015-03-17
(3)Hu Pengjie, Wu Longhua, Li Zhu, Luo Yongming. Subsoil seepage collection device: 201720322514.8, 2017-03-30
 (*denotes corresponding author)
(1)Hu PJ, Tu F, Li SM, Pan YJ, Kong C, Zhang XM, Wang SH, Sun YQ, Qiu D, Wu LH*, Luo YM, Christie P. Low-Cd wheat varieties and soil Cd safety thresholds for local soil health management in south Jiangsu province, east China. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment, 2023, 341:108211.
(2)Hu PJ, Du YP, Yang YY, Li ZX, Luo YM, Wu LH*. Dispose waste liquor of fresh biomass of a hyperaccumulator Sedum plumbizincicola in phytoextraction process. International Journal of Phytoremediation, 2022, 24 (1):1-11. 
(3)Wu LH, Zhou T, Hu PJ, Zhao J, Jiang YG, Liu DH. Cultivation, Phytoextraction and Application of Sedum plumbizincicola - a Cadmium and Zinc Hyperaccumulator. Beijing, Science Press, 2021.
(4)Wang JJ, Kerl CF, Hu PJ, Martin M, Mu TT, Bruggenwirth L, Wu GM, Said-Pullicino D, Romani M, Wu LH, Planer-Friedrich B* Thiolated arsenic species observed in rice paddy pore waters. Nature Geoscience, 2020, 13 (4):282-287.
(5)Hu PJ, Zhang QY, Yang YY, Dong B, Ying RR, Wu LH*, Liu HY, Luo YM, Christie P. An electro-Fenton process to treat waste liquor of a hyperaccumulator that contains potentially toxic elements and the COD. International Journal of Phytoremediation. 2021, 23 (7):715-725.
(6)Wu GM, Hu PJ*, Zhou JW, Dong B, Wu LH, Luo YM, Christie P. Sulfur application combined with water management enhances phytoextraction rate and decreases rice cadmium uptake in a Sedum plumbizincicola - Oryza sativa rotation. Plant Soil, 2019, 440 (1-2):539-549. 
(7)Hu PJ, Zhang Y, Dong B, Gao WY, Cheng C, Luo YM, Christie P, Wu LH*. Assessment of phytoextraction using Sedum plumbizincicola and rice production in Cd-polluted acid paddy soils of south China: A field study. Agriculture Ecosystems & Environment, 2019, 286. doi:10.1016/J.Agee.2019.106651
(8)Wu LH, Hu PJ, Li Z, Zhou T, Zhong DX, Luo YM. Element Case Studies: Cadmium and Zinc. In: Van der Ent A, Echevarria G, Baker A, Morel J (eds) Agromining: Farming for Metals. Mineral Resource Reviews. Springer, Cham. 2018, pp. 283-296.
(9)Wu LH, Hu PJ, Li Z, Zhou T, Zhong DX, Luo YM. Phytoremediation of Cadmium-Contaminated Soils Using the Cadmium and Zinc Hyperaccumulator Sedum plumbizincicola. In: Yongming Luo and Chen Tu (eds). Twenty Years Research and Development on Soil Pollution and Remediation in China. Science Press, Beijing, China. 2017, pp. 333-348.
(10)Hu PJ, Wang YD, Przybylowicz WJ*, Li Z, Barnabas A, Wu LH*, Luo YM, Mesjasz-Przybylowicz J. Elemental distribution by cryo-micro-PIXE in the zinc and cadmium hyperaccumulator Sedum plumbizincicola grown naturally. Plant and Soil, 2015, 388(1-2):267-282. 
(11)Hu PJ, Ouyang YN, Wu LH*, Shen LB, Luo YM, Christie P. Effects of water management on arsenic and cadmium speciation and accumulation in an upland rice cultivar. Journal of Environmental Sciences, 2015, 27(0):225-231.
(12)Luo YM, Wu LH, Hu PJ, Li Z, Jiang YG. Research on phytoextraction with hyperaccumulator in Cd and Zn contaminated soils. Beijing, Science Press, 2015.
(13)Hu PJ, Yang BY, Dong CC, Chen LK, Cao XY, Zhao J, Wu LH*, Luo YM, Christie P. Assessment of EDTA heap leaching of an agricultural soil highly contaminated with heavy metals. Chemosphere, 2014, 117(0):532-537.
(14)Hu PJ#, Yin YG#, Ishikawa S, Suzui N, Kawachi N, Fujimaki S, Igura M, Yuan C, Huang JX, Li Z, Makino T, Luo YM, Christie P, Wu LH*. Nitrate facilitates cadmium uptake, transport and accumulation in the hyperaccumulator Sedum plumbizincicola. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2013, 20(9): 6306-6316. 
(15)Hu PJ, Li Z, Yuan C, Ouyang YN, Zhou LQ, Huang JX, Huang YJ, Luo YM, Christie P, Wu LH*. Effect of water management on cadmium and arsenic accumulation by rice (Oryza sativa L.) with different metal accumulation capacities. Journal of Soils and Sediments, 2013, 13(5): 916-924.
(16)Hu PJ, Huang JX, Ouyang YN, Wu LH*, Song J, Wang SF, Li Z, Han CL, Zhou LQ, Huang YJ, Luo YM, Christie P. Water management affects arsenic and cadmium accumulation in different rice cultivars. Environmental Geochemistry and Health, 2013, 35(6):767–778. 
Awards & Honors
(1)2021, The Third Prize of Science and Technology of Jiangsu Province, China
(2)2014, The First Prize of Science and Technology, Soil Science Society of China, China

Contact Us

Address: No.298 Chuangyou Road, Jiangning District, Nanjing, China
Phone: 025-86881114