Wang Fang

General Information

Name: Wang Fang

Title: Professor

Work email:

Work phone: 025-86881350

Brief Summary

Dr. Fang Wang has been working at the Institute of Soil Science, Chinese Academy of Sciences since 1999. She was appointed as the Deputy Director of the Department of Soil Chemistry and Environmental Protection in 2013, and promoted to Professor at this institute in 2014. She was appointed as the Deputy Director of the Key Laboratory of Soil Environment and Pollution Remediation (Chinese Academy of Sciences) in 2020, and as Professor at the University of Chinese Academy of Sciences in Beijing in 2021. By obtaining several prestigious grants, she has worked as a guest researcher and later as a visiting professor, both in Germany and the USA, for a total of three and a half years. In Germany, she worked at RWTH Aachen University, at Helmholz Munich and Technical University of Munich and Jülich Research Center. In the USA, she worked at Michigan State University. Her work aims at ensuring environmental safety, especially of soil and water, as well as sustainable agriculture. Her research focuses on soil pollution and remediation and crop safety, especially by organic chemicals and emerging contaminants (persistent organic pollutants, pesticides, herbicides, PAHs, antibiotics and resistant genes, phthalate ester and microplastics).

She leads 16 research projects, for which she acquired funding of up to €7.5 million, including one from the CRP project of the International Atomic Energy Agency. To date, she has published 150 research papers, 80 of which are first or corresponding authorships in highly ranked international journals such as The Innovation, Trend Anal Chem, Environ Sci Technol, Water Res, Soil Biol Biochem, Crit Rev Environ Sci Technol, and J Agric Food Chem. In addition, she published two book chapters and 76 papers in Chinese journals. She has 37 registered patents. She has been granted several personal awards of excellence and fellowships to fuel and expand her international research network and experience, including the Alexander von Humboldt Fellow for Experienced Researcher from Germany; the Shennong Young Talent award from the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs of China; the Distinguished Young Scholar award from the Natural Science Foundation of Jiangsu Province of China; the “333 High Level Talent” award, the “Young Talent of Science and Technology” award of Jiangsu Province, China, and the “Young Talent of Lu Jia-Xi” award from Chinese Academy of Sciences. She was awarded the First prize of the 18th Science and Technology Award of Soil Society of China (1st author) and Outstanding contribution to collaboration between China and Germany.

She was appointed as co-Editor-in-Chief of the journal Environ Technol Innov, Associate Editor of Sci Total Environ, and Academic Editor of The Innovation. She serves on the Steering committee of UN FAO International Network on Soil Pollution and the standing committee of International Union of Soil Science. She is the Chair of the International Collaboration Committee of Soil Science Society of China (SSSC), Co-Chair of the working group of Collaboration between SSSC and Soil Science Society of America, and a member of the International Panel on Chemical Pollution. She serves as an external reviewer for the Natural Environment Research Council, UK and the National Natural Science Foundation of China, as well as for many other national and international organizations.

Education Background


Doctor of Agricultural Science (Soil Science), Supervisor: Xin Jiang,

Institute of Soil Science, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China.


Ph.D. Joint program (Environmental Microbiology), Supervisor: Jean C.

Munch, German Research Center for Environmental Health & Technical University of Munich, Germany.


Bachelor of Engineering (Environmental Monitoring)

Nanjing University of Sciences & Technology, China.

Professional Career

(1)01/2021 - to date: Professor, University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, China.

(2)04/2014 - to date: Professor, Institute of Soil Science, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China.

(3)09/2022 - 12/2022: Visiting Professor, Jülich Research Center, Germany (Alexander von Humboldt Fellow for Experienced Researcher).

(4)07/2022 - 12/2022:  Visiting Professor, Institute for Environmental Research, RWTH Aachen University, Germany (Alexander von Humboldt Fellow for Experienced Researcher).

(5)03/2021 - to date:  Deputy Director, key lab of soil environment and pollution remediation, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China.

(6)09/2013 - to date: Deputy Director, Department of Soil chemistry and environment protection, Institute of Soil Science, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China.

(7)08/2018-08/2018: Visiting Professor, University of Helsinki, Finland.

(8)12/2014-12/2015 & 07/2017-09/2017: Visiting Professor, In Prof. James M. Tiedje’s lab, Michigan State University, USA.

(9)12/2010-04/2014: Associate Professor, Institute of Soil Science, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China.

(10)04/2009-03/2010:  Post-doctoral fellow, Helmholtz Zentrum Muenchen & Technical University of Munich, Germany.

(11)08/2004-12/2010: Research scientist, Institute of Soil Science, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China.

(12)04/2005-05/2006:  Guest scientist, German Research Center for Environmental Health & Technical University of Munich, Germany.

(13)08/1999-07/2004: Junior researcher, Institute of Soil Science, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China.

Research Interests

(1) Soil pollution, soil remediation, and waste management, especially of organic chemicals and emerging contaminants (persistent organic pollutants, pesticides, herbicides, antibiotics and resistant genes, phthalate esters and microplastics) using isotope techniques and modern analytical tools

(2) Transformation, transport, bioavailability, plant uptake, and risk mitigation of organic contaminants and emerging contaminants in soil and water environments

(3) Remediation of soil and water contaminated by organic pollutants and emerging contaminants

(4) Waste management and carbon material-based techniques to improve soil quality, land productivity, and water use efficiency for better agricultural production

(5) Method development for trace organic contaminant analysis of classic and emerging contaminants in soil, water, and food system

Awards and Honors

(1) 2023  First prize of the 18th Science and Technology Award of Soil Science Society of China (1st author)

(2) 2023  Outstanding contribution to collaboration between China and Germany

(3) 2022  “Shennong Young Talents” of Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, China

(4) 2019  “Alexander von Humboldt Fellow for Experienced Researcher”, Germany, Alexander von Humboldt Foundation

(5) 2018  “333 High Level Talent” Award of Jiangsu Province, China

(6) 2017  “Young Talent of Sciecne and Technology” Award of Jiangsu Province, China

(7) 2015  Awarded the funding for “Distinguished Young Scholars” from Natural Science Foundation of  Jiangsu, China

(8) 2014  Visiting Professor Fellowship at Michigen State University, USA.

(9) 2012  “Excellent Youth Talent” award of the State Key Laboratory of Soil and Sustainable Agriculture of China

(10) 2011  Awarded the Funding for Youth Talent in the knowledge innovation program of the  Chinese Academy of Sciences

(11) 2011  Awarded a membership of the Youth Innovation Promotion Association, Chinese Academy of Sciences

(12) Visiting Fellowship by the Chinese Academy of Sciences to research at German Research Center for Environmental Health

(13)  “Young Talent of Lu Jia-Xi” Award from the Chinese Academy of Sciences

(14) 2007  Awarded the funding for Excellent Overseas Scientist

(15) 2005  Awarded a visiting scholarship by the Sino-German Science Center to research at German Research Center for Environment and Health

Professional Activities

(1)2023 - to date, Steering Committee Member, UN FAO International Network on Soil Pollution

(2)2023 - to date, Working Group leader, UN FAO International Network on Soil Pollution

(3)2023 - to date, Co-Editor-in-Chief, Environmental Technology & Innovation (JCR Q1)

(4)2023 - to date, Standing Committee Member, International Union of Soil Sciences

(5)2022 - to date, Member, International Panel of Chemical Pollution

(6)2022 - to date, Editorial board member, Current Opinion in Environmental Science & Health

(7)2022 - to date, External Reviewer, NERC: Natural Environment Research Council, UK

(8)2021 - to date, Co-Chair, working group of Collaboration between Soil Science Society of China and Soil Science Society of America  

(9)2021 - to date, Editor, Sustainable Horizons

(10)2021.1-2022.1, Guest Editor, European Journal of Soil Science

(11)2020 - to date, Chair, International Collaboration Committee of Soil Science Society of China

(12)2020 - to date, Scientific Committee member, The Catalan Institute for Water Research, Spain

(13)2020 - to date, External Reviewer, Research Grants Council, Hong Kong, China

(14)2020 - to date, Vice Chair, Soil Chemistry Committee of Soil Science Society of China

(15)2020 - to date, Academic Editor, The Innovation

(16)2020.3-2021.3, Guest Editor, Soil Use and Management

(17)2018 - to date, Committee member, Soil Remediation Division of Soil Science Society of China

(18)2020 - to date, Executive Council member, Soil Science Society of Jiangsu Province, China

(19)2019 - to date, Associate Editor, Science of the Total Environment

(20)2019 - to date, Editorial board member, Heliyon

(21)2018 - to date, Editorial board member, Science of the Total Environment

(22)2018.8-2019.8, Editorial board member, Soil

(23)2018 - to date, Committee board member, Soil Environmental Science Division of Soil Science Society of China

(24)2016 - to date, Council member, Soil Science Society of Jiangsu Province, China

(25)2016 - to date, Committee member, Soil Chemistry Division of Soil Science Society of China

(26)2016 - to date, Committee member, Soil pollution and remediation Division of Soil Science Society of Jiangsu Province, China

(27)- to date, External Reviewer, International Foundation of Science


(1)Master and Ph.D. Students: Environmental Soil Scicence (since 2010), Soil Science (since 2016), Soil Chemistry (since 2016), Analytical chemistry (since 2018)

(2)Bachelor: Environmental chemistry (since 2019), Environmental Monitoring (since 2019)

Peer Review for Archival Journals

Nature, The ISME Journal, Trends in Biotechnology, Environmental Science & Technology, Water Research, The Innovation, Environmental Science & Technology Letters, Critical Reviews in Environmental Science and Technology, Environmental International, Bioresource Technology, Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, Journal of Hazardous Materials, Chemical Engineering Journal, Science of the Total Environment, Current Opinion in Environmental Science & Health, Geoderma, Chemosphere, Environmental Pollution, Environmental Research, etc.

Major Research Funding (as Principal Investigator)

She leads 16 research projects, for which she acquired funding of up to € 7.5 million. She is involved in 15 research projects, which are not listed below.

(1) 2021-2026: Isotope Technology and Molecular Biotechnology Combined to Trace the Migration and Propagation of Antimicrobials and Antibiotic Resistance Genes in Soil-Plant Systems, International Atomic Energy Agency, IAEA Coordinated Research Project  (No. D15022, €100K)

(2)2021-2026: Biotechnology for efficient prevention of pollution and diseases in the black soil, the Strategic Priority Research Program of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (No. XDA28030500, €1330K).

(3)2021-2024: Remediation principle of multi-media of soil-water system in the contaminated site, National Key Basic Research program of China (No. 2020YFC1807000, €4900K).

(4)2020-2023: Environmental process of biofilm enhanced reducing manure-borne antibiotic resistant genes in soil, National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 41977137, €100K).

(5)2017-2020: Reducing transmission of antibiotic resistant genes from manure amended soil to crops via biochar, National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 21677149, €115K).

(6)2016-2020:  Transfer and transformation of phthalate esters and hormones in the soil and vegetable system, National Key Basic Research program of China (No. 2016YFD0800204, €445 K).

(7)2016-2018:  Transfer of antibiotics and resistance genes in soil and plant system, the key project of Institute of Soil Science, Chinese Academy of Sciences (No. ISSASIP1616, €40K).

(8)2015-2018: Quorum sensing involving biodegradation of chlorobenzenes in soil, the Outstanding Youth Fund of Natural Science Foundation of Jiangsu, China (No. BK20150050, €135K).

(9)2013-2016: Biofilm effects on the degradation of chlorobenzenes in soil by immobilized bacterial community, National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 21277148, €110K)

(10)2012 -2015: bioremediation of soil contaminated by chlorobenzes, funding for “Excellent Youth Talent” of State Key Laboratory of Soil and Sustainable Agriculture of China (€27K)

(11)2011-2014: Soil organic pollution and remediation, Funding for member of Youth Innovation Promotion Association, Chinese Academy of Sciences (€54K)

(12)2011-2013: The mechanism of high efficiency degradation of chlorobenzenes in soil by immobilized microorganisms, Funding for Youth Talent in the knowledge innovation program of Chinese Academy of Sciences (No. KZCX2-EW-QN403, €82K)

(13)2010-2012: Enhanced degradation of 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzenes in soil by immobilized bacteria, Natural Science Foundation of Jiangsu in China (No. BK2010608, €12K)

(14)2008-2010: Degradation pathway and key gene of 1,2,4-TCB by Bordetella sp., National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 20707028, €27K)

(15)2007-2009: Biomineralization behaviour of 1,2,4-TCB in soil, Natural Science Foundation of Jiangsu in China (No. BK2007264, €11K)

(16)2007-2008: Soil pollution and remediation, funding for Excellent Overseas Scientist (€3K)

Peer Reviewed Publications

Prof. Wang has published 150 research papers, 80 of which are first or corresponding authorships in highly ranked international journals such as The Innovation, Trend Anal Chem, Environ Sci Technol, Water Res, Soil Biol Biochem, Crit Rev Environ Sci Technol, and J Agric Food Chem. She published one book chapter in English (Springer press). In addition, she has published 76 papers in Chinese journals and one book chapter in Chinese, which were relevant to a national readership, but not listed below.

(1) Fang Wang*, Leilei Xiang, Kelvin Sze-Yin Leung, Martin Elsner, Ying Zhang, Yuming Guo, Bo Pan, Hongwen Sun, Taicheng An, Guangguo Ying, Bryan W. Brooks, Deyi Hou, Damian E. Helbling, Jianqiang Sun, Hao Qiu, Timothy M. Vogel, Wei Zhang, Yanzheng Gao, Myrna J. Simpson, Yi Luo, Scott X. Chang, Guanyong Su, Bryan M. Wong, Tzung-May Fu, Dong Zhu, Karl J. Jobst, Chengjun Ge, Frederic Coulon, Jean Damascene Harindintwali, Xiankui Zeng, Haijun Wang, Yuhao Fu, Zhong Wei, Rainer Lohmann, Changer Chen, Yang Song, Concepcion Sanchez-Cid, Yu Wang, Ali El-Naggar, Yiming Yao, Yanran Huang, Japhet Cheuk-Fung Law, Chenggang Gu, Huizhong Shen, Yanpeng Gao, Chao Qin, Hao Li, Tong Zhang, Natàlia Corcoll, Min Liu, Daniel S. Alessi, Hui Li, Kristian K. Brandt, Yolanda Pico, Cheng Gu, Jianhua Guo, Jianqiang Su, Philippe Corvini, Mao Ye, Teresa Rocha-Santos, Huan He, Yi Yang, Meiping Tong, Weina Zhang, Fidèle Suanon, Ferdi Brahushi, Zhenyu Wang, Syed A. Hashsham, Marko Virta, Qingbin Yuan, Gaofei Jiang, Louis A. Tremblay, Qingwei Bu, Jichun Wu, Willie Peijnenburg, Edward Topp, Xinde Cao, Xin Jiang, Minghui Zheng, Taolin Zhang, Yongming Luo, Lizhong Zhu*, Xiangdong Li, Damià Barceló, Jianmin Chen, Baoshan Xing, Wulf Amelung*, Zongwei Cai, Ravi Naidu, Qirong Shen, Janusz Pawliszyn, Yong-guan Zhu*, Andreas Schaeffer, Matthias C. Rillig, Fengchang Wu, Gang Yu, James M. Tiedje*, 2024. Emerging Contaminants: A One Health Perspective, The Innovation, doi:

(2)Jean Damascene Harindintwali, Qingyuan Dou, Xin Wen, Leilei Xiang, Yuhao Fu, Lei Xia, Zhongjun Jia, Xin Jiang, Jiandong Jiang, Fang Wang*, 2024. Physiological and transcriptomic changes drive robust responses in Paenarthrobacter sp. AT5 to co-exposure of sulfamethoxazole and atrazine. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 462, 132795. (*corresponding author)

(3)Tiancong Gao, Haixia Tian, Leilei Xiang, Ziqi Wang, Yuhao Fu, Jing Shi, Xin Wen, Xin Jiang, Wenxiang He, Syed A. Hashsham, Fang Wang*, 2024. Characteristics of bacterial community and extracellular enzymes in response to atrazine application in black soil. Environmental Pollution, 343, 123286, doi: (*corresponding author)

(4)Yuhao Fu, Qingyuan Dou, Kornelia Smalla, Yu Wang, Timothy A. Johnson, Kristian K. Brandt, Zhi Mei, Maoyuan Liao, Syed A. Hashsham, Andreas Schaffer, Hauke Smidt, Tong Zhang, Hui Li, Robert Stedtfeld, Hongjie Sheng, Benli Chai, Marko Virta, Xin Jiang, Fang Wang*, Yong-guan Zhu, James M. Tiedje, Gut microbiota research nexus: One Health relationship between human, animal, and environmental resistomes. mLife. 2023.*corresponding author)

(5)Zhiliang Zhao, Leilei Xiang, Ziquan Wang, Yu Liu, Jean Damascene Harindintwali, Yongrong Bian, Xin Jiang, Andreas Schaeffer, Fang Wang*, Dionysios D. Dionysiou, 2023. New insights into the Ferrate-Sulfite system for the degradation of polycyclic aromatic Hydrocarbons: A dual role for sulfite. Chemical Engineering Journal, 147157. (*corresponding author)

(6)Yu Liu, Fang Wang*, Ziquan Wang, Leilei Xiang, Yuhao Fu, Zhiliang Zhao, Fredrick Orori Kengara, Zhi Mei, Chao He, Yongrong Bian, Ravi Naidu, Xin Jiang, 2023. Soil properties and organochlorine compounds co-shape the microbial community structure: A case study of an obsolete site. Environmental Research, 240:117589. (*corresponding author)

(7)Yuhao Fu, Fang Wang*, Leilei Xiang, Jean Damascene Harindintwali, Martin Elsner, Wulf Amelung, Stephan Kueppers, Xin Jiang, Marko Virta, Mika Sillanpaa, Andreas Schaffer, Yong-guan Zhu and James M. Tiedje, 2023. Combating antibiotic resistance in the human-impacted environment with carbon-based materials: Applications and challenges. Critical Reviews in Environmental Science and Technology, DOI: 10.1080/10643389.2023.2267933. (*corresponding authors)

(8)Yu Wang, Leilei Xiang, Wulf Amelung, Martin Elsner, Jay Gan, Stephan Kueppers, Laforsch Christian, Xin Jiang, Joseph Adu-Gyamfi, Lee Heng, Yong Sik Ok, Natalia P. Ivleva, Yongming Luo, Damià Barceló, Andreas Schaffer, Fang Wang*.  Micro- and nanoplastics in soil ecosystems: Analytical methods, fate, and effects. 2023. TRAC-Trends in Analytical Chemistry, 117309. (*corresponding authors)

(9)Zhi Mei, Yuhao Fu, Fang Wang*, Leilei Xiang, Fang Hu, Jean Damascene Harindintwali, Mingyi Wang, Marko Virta, Syed A. Hashsham, Xin Jiang, James M. Tiedje. Magnetic biochar/quaternary phosphonium salt reduced antibiotic resistome and pathobiome on pakchoi leaves. 2023. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 460, 132388. (*corresponding authors)

(10)James M. Tiedje*, Yuhao Fu, Zhi Mei, Andreas Schaffer, Qingyuan Dou, Wulf Amelung, Martin Elsner, Joseph Adu-Gyamfi, Lee Heng, Marko Virta, Xin Jiang, Hauke Smidt, Edward Topp, Fang Wang*, 2023. Antibiotic resistance genes in food production systems support One Health opinions. Current Opinion in Environmental Science & Health, 34, 100492. (*corresponding authors)

(11)Fang Wang*#, Jean Damascene Harindintwali, Ke Wei#, Yuli Shan, Zhifu Mi#, Mark John Costello, Sabine Grunwald#, Zhaozhong Feng, Faming Wang#, Yuming Guo, Xing Wu#, Prashant Kumar, Matthias Kastner, Xiaojuan Feng, Shichang Kang, Zhu Liu, Yuhao Fu, Wei Zhao, Chaojun Ouyang, Jianlin Shen, Haijun Wang, Scott X. Chang, Daniel L. Evans, Rong Wang, Chunwu Zhu, Leilei Xiang, Jorg Rinklebe, Miaomiao Du, Lei Huang, Zhaohai Bai, Sheng Li, Rattan Lal, Martin Elsner, Jean-Pierre Wigneron, Fabio Florindo, Xin Jiang, Sabry M. Shaheen, Xinyue Zhong, Roland Bol, Gustavo M. Vasques, Xianfeng Li, Sebastian Pfautsch, Mingyi Wang, Xiao He, Evgenios Agathokleous, Huibin Du, Hong Yan, Fredrick Orori Kengara, Ferdi Brahushi, Xi-En Long, Paulo Pereira, Yong Sik Ok, Matthias C. Rillig, Erik Jeppesen*, Damià Barceló, Xiaoyuan Yan, Nianzhi Jiao*, Buxing Han, Andreas Schaffer, Jing M. Chen*, Yongguan Zhu, Hai Cheng, Wulf Amelung*, Christoph Sptl, Jiankang Zhu, James M. Tiedje*. 2023. The Innovation Geoscience, 1, 100015.

(12)Jean Damascene Harindintwalia#, Chao He#, Leilei Xiang, Qingyuan Dou, Yu Liu, Mingyi Wang, Xin Wen, Yuhao Fu, Mahbub Ul Islam, Scott X. Chang, Stephan Kueppers, Sabry M. Shaheen, J?rg Rinklebe, Xin Jiang, Andreas Schaeffer, Fang Wang*. 2023. Effects of ball milling on biochar adsorption of contaminants in water: A meta-analysis. Science of the total environment, 163643. (*corresponding author)

(13)Yu Wang, Leilei Xiang, Fang Wang*, Marc Redmile Gordon, Yongrong Bian, Ziquan Wang, Chenggang Gu, Xin Jiang, Andreas Sch?ffer, Baoshan Xing, 2023. Transcriptomic and metabolomic changes in lettuce triggered by microplastics-stress. Environmental Pollution, 320: 121081. (*corresponding author)

(14)Leilei Xiang, Fang Wang*, Yongrong Bian, Jean Damascene Harindintwali, Ziquan Wang, Yu Wang, Jing Dong, Hong Chen, Andreas Schaeffer, Xin Jiang, and Zongwei Cai, 2022. Visualizing the distribution of Phthalate Esters and plant metabolites in carrot by Matrix-Assisted Laser Desorption/Ionization Imaging Mass Spectrometry. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 70(48): 15311–15320. (*corresponding author)

(15)Leilei Xiang, Jean Damascene Harindintwali, Fang Wang*, Yongrong Bian, Zhiliang Zhao, Ziquan Wang, Yu Wang, Zhi Mei, Xin Jiang, Andreas Sch¨affer, Baoshan Xing, 2023. Manure- and straw-derived biochars reduce the ecological risk of PBDE and promote nitrogen cycling by shaping microbiomes in PBDE-contaminated soil. Chemosphere,  312: 137262. (*corresponding author)

(16)Fang Wang*, 2023. Editorial overview: Emerging contaminants in soil, Current Opinion in Environmental Science & Health, 35: 100505

(17)Fang Wang*, Damià Barceló*, In memory of Dionysios D. Dionysiou. The Innovation Geoscience, 1(3):100044

(18)Yu Wang, Leilei Xiang, Fang Wang*, Ziquan Wang, Yongrong Bian, Chenggang Gu, Xin Wen, Fredrick Orori Kengara, Andreas Schaffer, Xin Jiang, and Baoshan Xing, 2022. Positively charged microplastics induce strong lettuce stress responses from physiological, transcriptomic, and metabolomic perspectives. Environmental Science & Technology, 56(23): 16907–16918. (*corresponding author)

(19)Jean Damascene Harindintwali, Leilei Xiang, Fang Wang*, Scott X. Chang, Zhiliang Zhao, Zhi Mei, Zhongjun Jia, Xin Jiang, Yong-guan Zhu & James M. Tiedje, 2022. Syntrophy of bacteria and archaea in the anaerobic catabolism of hydrocarbon contaminants. Critical Reviews in Environmental Science and Technology, Published online: 20 Oct 2022, (*corresponding author)

(20)Leilei Xiang, Jean Damascene Harindintwali, Fang Wang*, Marc Redmile-Gordon, Scott X. Chang, Yuhao Fu, Chao He, Bertrand Muhoza, Ferdi Brahushi, Nanthi Bolan, Xin Jiang, Yong Sik Ok, J?rg Rinklebe, Andreas Schaeffer, Yong-guan Zhu, James M. Tiedje, and Baoshan Xing, 2022. Integrating biochar, bacteria, and plants for sustainable remediation of soils contaminated with organic pollutants. Environmental Science & Technology, 56(23): 16546–16566. (*corresponding author)

(21)Ziquan Wang, Fang Wang*, Leilei Xiang, Yongrong Bian, Zhiliang Zhao, Zhengyuan Gao, Jingxing Cheng, Andreas Schaeffer, Xin Jiang, Dionysios D. Dionysiou, 2022. Degradation of mineral-immobilized pyrene by ferrate oxidation: role of mineral type and intermediate oxidative iron species. Water Research, 217: 118377. (*corresponding author)

(22)Yu Wang, Fang Wang*, Leilei Xiang, Yongrong Bian, Ziquan Wang, Prashant Srivastava, Xin Jiang and Baoshan Xing, 2022. Attachment of positively and negatively charged submicron polystyrene plastics on nine typical soils. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 431: 128566. (*corresponding author)

(23)Hongjie Sheng, Yuan Yin, Leilei Xiang, Ziquan Wang, Jean Damascene Harindintwali, Jinjin Cheng, Jing Ge, Leigang Zhang, Xin Jiang, Xiangyang Yu*, Fang Wang*, 2022. Sorption of N-acyl homoserine lactones on maize straw derived biochars: Characterization, kinetics and isotherm analysis, Chemosphere, 299: 134446. (*corresponding authors)

(24)Yuhao Fu, Fang Wang*, Ziquan Wang, Zhi Mei, Xin Jiang, Andreas Sch?ffer, Marko Virta, James M. Tiedje, 2022. Application of magnetic biochar/quaternary phosphonium salt to combat the antibiotic resistome in livestock wastewater. Science of the Total Environment, 811: 151386. (*corresponding author)

(25)Ziquan Wang, Hongjie Sheng, Leilei Xiang, Yongrong Bian, Anna Herzberger, Hu Cheng, Qian Jiang, Xin Jiang, Fang Wang*, 2022. Different performance of pyrene biodegradation on metal-modified montmorillonite: Role of surface metal ions from a bioelectrochemical perspective. Science of The Total Environment, 805: 150324. (*corresponding author)

(26)Shunli Hu, Long Zhang, Guiping Liu, Yufeng Gan, Baozhan Wang, Fang Wang*, Jiandong Jiang*, 2022. Selective removal of the non-herbicidal (S)-enantiomer of dichlorprop from agricultural soil by an in-situ enriched consortium. International Biodeterioration & Biodegradation, 170: 105398. (*corresponding authors)

(27)Jean Damascene Harindintwali, Fang Wang*, Wenhua Yang, Jianli Zhou, Bertrand Muhoza, Maurice Mugabowindekwe, Xiaobin Yu*, 2022. Harnessing the power of cellulolytic nitrogen-fixing bacteria for biovalorization of lignocellulosic biomass. Industrial Crops and Products, 186:115235. (*corresponding authors)

(28)Fang Wang*1, Jean Damascene Harindintwali, Zhizhang Yuan1, Min Wang1, Faming Wang, Sheng Li1, Zhigang Yin, Lei Huang1, Yuhao Fu, Lei Li, Scott X. Chang, Linjuan Zhang, Jorg Rinklebe, Zuoqiang Yuan, Qinggong Zhu, Leilei Xiang, Daniel CW. Tsang, Liang Xu, Xin Jiang, Jihua Liu, Ning Wei, Matthias Kastner, Yang Zou, Yong Sik Ok, Jianlin Shen, Dailiang Peng, Wei Zhang, Damia Barcelo, Yongjin Zhou, Zhaohai Bai, Boqiang Li, Bin Zhang, Ke Wei, Hujun Cao, Zhiliang Tan, Liu-bin Zhao, Xiao He, Jinxing Zheng, Nanthi Bolan, Xiaohong Liu, Changping Huang, Sabine Dietmann, Ming Luo, Nannan Sun, Jirui Gong, Yulie Gong, Ferdi Brahushi, Tangtang Zhang, Cunde Xiao, Xianfeng Li*, Wenfu Chen, Nianzhi Jiao*, Johannes Lehmann, Yong-Guan Zhu*, Hongguang Jin*, Andreas Schaeffer, James M. Tiedje*, Jing M. Chen*. 2021,  Technologies and perspectives for achieving carbon neutrality. The Innovation, 2(4): 100180. (*corresponding authors)

(29)Yongjun Xu, Xin Liu, Xin Cao, Changping Huang, Enke Liu, Sen Qian, Xingchen Liu, Yanjun Wu, Fengliang Dong, Cheng-Wei Qiu, Junjun Qiu, Keqin Hua, Wentao Su, Jian Wu, Huiyu Xu, Yong Han, Chenguang Fu, Zhigang Yin, Miao Liu, Ronald Roepman, Sabine Dietmann, Marko Virta, Fredrick Kengara, Ze Zhang, Lifu Zhang, Taolan Zhao, Ji Dai, Jialiang Yang, Liang Lan, Ming Luo, Zhaofeng Liu, Tao An, Bin Zhang, Xiao He, Shan Cong, Xiaohong Liu, Wei Zhang, James P. Lewis, James M. Tiedje, Qi Wang,* Zhulin An,* Fei Wang,* Libo Zhang,* Tao Huang,* Chuan Lu,* Zhipeng Cai,* Fang Wang*, and Jiabao Zhang*, 2021. Artificial Intelligence: A Powerful Paradigm for Scientific Research. The Innovation, 2(4): 100179. (*corresponding authors)

(30)Yuhao Fu, Mingyun Jia, Fang Wang*, Ziquan Wang, Zhi Mei, Yongrong Bian, Xin Jiang, Marko Virta, and James M. Tiedje, 2021. Strategy for mitigating antibiotic resistance by biochar and hyperaccumulators in Cadmium and oxytetracycline cocontaminated soil. Environmental Science & Technology, 55(24): 16369–16378. (*corresponding author)

(31)Fang Wang*, Yu Wang, Leilei Xiang, Marc Redmile-Gordon, Chenggang Gu, Xinglun Yang, Xin Jiang, Damià Barceló, 2021. Perspectives on ecological risks of microplastics and phthalate acid esters in crop production systems. Soil Ecology Letter, 4(2): 97–108. (*corresponding author)

(32)Yu Wang, Fang Wang*, Leilei Xiang, Chenggang Gu, Marc Redmile-Gordon, Hongjie Sheng, Ziquan Wang, Yuhao Fu, Yongrong Bian, Xin Jiang, 2021. Risk assessment of agricultural plastic films based on release kinetics of Phthalate Acid Esters. Environmental Science & Technology, 55(6): 3676–3685. (*corresponding author)

(33)Zhi Mei, Leilei Xiang, Fang Wang*, Min Xu, Yuhao Fu, Ziquan Wang, Syed A. Hashsham, Xin Jiang, James M. Tiedje, 2021. Bioaccumulation of Manure-borne antibiotic resistance genes in carrot and its exposure assessment. Environmental International, 157: 106830. (*corresponding author)

(34)Fang Wang*, Yu-Hao Fu, Hong-Jie Sheng, Edward Topp, Xin Jiang, Yong-Guan Zhu, James M. Tiedje, 2021. Antibiotic resistance in the soil ecosystem: A One Health perspective. Current Opinion in Environmental Science & Health, 20:100230. (*corresponding author)

(35)Yuhao Fu, Fang Wang*, Hongjie Sheng, Fang Hua, Ziquan Wang, Min Xu, Yongrong Bian, Xin Jiang, James M. Tiedje, 2021. Removal of extracellular antibiotic resistance genes using magnetic biochar/quaternary phosphonium salt in aquatic environments: A mechanistic study. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 411: 125048. (*corresponding author)

(36)Min Xu, Fang Wang*, Hongjie Sheng, Robert D. Stedtfeld, Zhongpei Li, Syed A. Hashsham, Xin Jiang and James M. Tiedjed, 2021. Does anaerobic soil condition play a more positive role in dissipation of antibiotic resistance genes in soil? Science of the Total Environment, 757: 143737.(*corresponding author)

(37)Cheng Han, Yinping Zhang*, Marc Redmile-Gordon, Huan Deng, Zhenggui Gu, QiguoZhao, Fang Wang*, 2021. Organic and inorganic model soil fractions instigate the formation of distinct microbial biofilms for enhanced biodegradation of Benzo[a]pyrene. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 404: 124071. (*corresponding author)

(38)Jean Damascene Harindintwali, Jianli Zhou, Bertrand Muhoza, Fang Wang*, Anna Herzberger and Xiao-bin Yu*, 2021. Integrated eco-strategies towards sustainable carbon and nitrogen cycling in agriculture. Journal of Environmental Management, 293: 112856. (*corresponding author)

(39)Yuhao Fu, Fang Wang*, Hongjie Sheng, Min Xu, Ying Liang, Yongrong Bian, Syed A. Hashsham, Xin Jiang, James M. Tiedje, 2020. Enhanced antibacterial activity of magnetic biochar conjugated quaternary phosphonium salt. Carbon, 163: 360-369. (*corresponding author)

(40)Fidèle Suanona, Liu Tang, Hongjie Sheng, Yuhao Fu, Leilei Xiang, Anna Herzberger, Xin Jiang, Daouda Mama, Fang Wang*, 2020. TW80 and GLDA-enhanced oxidation under electrokinetic remediation for aged contaminated-soil: Does it worth? Chemical Engineering Journal, 385: 123934.  (*corresponding author)

(41)Fidèle Suanona, Liu Tang, Hongjie Sheng, Yuhao Fu, Leilei Xiang, Ziquan Wang, Xiangwen Shao, Daouda Mama, Xin Jiang, Fang Wang*, 2020. Organochlorine pesticides contaminated soil decontamination using TritonX-100-enhanced advanced oxidation under electrokinetic remediation. Journal of Hazardous Materials 393: 122388. (*corresponding author)

(42)James M. Tiedje, Fang Wang*, Célia Manaia, Marko Virta, Hongjie Sheng, Liping Ma, Tong Zhang, Edward Topp, 2019. Antibiotic resistance genes in the human impacted environment: A one health perspective. Pedosphere, 29(3): 273-282. (*corresponding author)

(43)Min Xu, Robert D. Stedtfeld, Fang Wang*, Syed A. Hashsham, Yang Song, Yahui Chuang, Jianbo Fan, Hui Li, Xin Jiang, James M. Tiedje, 2019. Composting increased persistence of manure-borne antibiotic resistance genes in soils with different fertilization history. Science of the Total Environment, 689: 1172-1180. (*corresponding author)

(44)Leilei Xiang, Hongjie Sheng, Chenggang Gu, Redmile-Gordon Marc, Yu Wang, Yonrong Bian, Xin Jiang, Fang Wang*, 2019. Biochar combined with compost to reduce the mobility, bioavailability and plant uptake of 2,2',4,4'-tetrabrominated diphenyl ether in soil. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 374: 341-348. (*corresponding author)

(45)Leilei Xiang, Hongjie Sheng, Min Xu, Marc Redmile-Gordonc, Yongrong Bian, Xinglun Yang, Xin Jiang, Fang Wang*, 2019. Reducing plant uptake of a brominated contaminant (2,2',4,4'-tetrabrominated diphenyl ether) by incorporation of maize straw into horticultural soil. Science of the Total Environment, 663: 29-37. (*corresponding author)

(46)Guangxia Liu, Yang Song, Hongjie Sheng, Mao Ye, Robert D Stedtfeld, Yongrong Bian, Chenggang Gu, Xin Jiang, Fang Wang*, 2019. Adsorption Kinetics of 2,2',4,4'-tetrabromodiphenyl Ether on Maize Straw-derived Biochars. Pedosphere, 29(6): 721-729. (*corresponding author)

(47)Leilei Xiang, Hongjie Sheng, Yongrong Bian, Jia Kang, Xinglun Yang, Anna Herzberger, Fidèle Suanon, Fang Wang*, 2019. Optimization of sample pretreatment based on graphene oxide dispersed acid silica gel for determination of Polybrominated Diphenyl Ethers in vegetables near an E-waste recycling plant. Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology, 103: 23-27.  (*corresponding author)

(48)Guangxia Liu, Hongjie Sheng, Yuhao Fu, Yang Song, Marc Redmile-Gordon, Yan Qiao, Chenggang Gu, Leilei Xiang, Fang Wang*, 2019. Extracellular polymeric substances (EPS) modulate adsorption isotherms between biochar and 2,2’,4,4-tetrabromodiphenyl ether. Chemosphere, 214: 176-183. (*corresponding author)

(49)Fang Wang*, Min Xu, Robert D. Stedtfeld, Hongjie Sheng, Jianbo Fan, Ming Liu, Benli Chai, Teotonio Soares de Carvalho, Hui Li, Zhongpei Li, Syed A. Hashsham, and James M. Tiedje*, 2018. Long-term effect of different fertilization and cropping systems on the soil antibiotic resistome. Environmental Science & Technology, 52(22): 13037-13046. (*corresponding author)

(50)Mingyun Jia, Fang Wang*, Yongrong Bian, Robert D. Stedtfeld, Guangxia Liu, Jinping Yu, Xin Jiang, 2018.Sorption of sulfamethazine to biochars as affected by dissolved organic matters of different origin. Bioresource Technology, 248: 36-43. (*corresponding author)

(51)Leilei Xiang, Yang Song, Yongrong Bian, Guangxia Liu, Anna Herzberger,  Chenggang Gu, Xin Jiang, Fang Wang*, 2018. Manure amendment reduced plant uptake and enhanced rhizodegradation of 2,2',4,4'-tetrabrominated diphenyl ether in soil. Biology and Fertility of Soils, 54(7): 807-817. (*corresponding author)

(52)Leilei Xiang, Yang Song, Yongrong Bian, Guangxia Liu, Anna Herzberger,  Chenggang Gu, Xin Jiang, Fang Wang*, 2018. Manure amendment reduced plant uptake and enhanced rhizodegradation of 2,2',4,4'-tetrabrominated diphenyl ether in soil. Biology and Fertility of Soils, 54(7): 807-817. (*corresponding author)

(53)Hongjie Sheng, Fang Wang*, Chenggang Gu, Robert Stedtfeld, Yongrong Bian, Guangxia Liu, Wei Wu and Xin Jiang, 2018. Sorption characteristics of N-acyl homserine lactones as signal molecules in natural soils based on the analysis of kinetics and isotherms. RSC Advances, 8: 9364-9374. (*corresponding author)

(54)Guangxia Liu, Yongrong Bian, Mingyun Jia, Lisa A. Boughner, Chenggang Gu, Yang Song, Hongjie Sheng, Wei Zhao, Xin Jiang, Fang Wang*, 2017. Effect of extracellular polymeric substance components on the sorption behavior of 2,2',4,4'-tetrabromodiphenyl ether to soils: Kinetics and isotherms. Science of the Total Environment, 609: 144-152. (*corresponding author).

(55)Hongjie Sheng, Mourad Harir, Lisa A. Boughner, Xin Jiang, Philippe Schmitt-Kopplin, Reiner Schroll, Fang Wang*, 2017. N-acyl-homoserine lactone dynamics during biofilm formation of a 1,2,4-trichlorobenzene mineralizing community on clay. Science of the Total Environment, 605-606: 1031-1038. (*corresponding author)

(56)Ferdi Brahushi, Fredrick Orori Kengara, Yang Song, Xin Jiang, Jean Charles Munch, Fang Wang*, 2017. Fate processes of chlorobenzenes in soil and potential remediation strategies: A review. Pedosphere, 27(3): 407–420. (*corresponding author)

(57)Zhi-Guo Wu, Fang Wang *, Li-Qun Ning, Robert D. Stedtfeld, Zong-Zheng Yang, Jing-Guo Cao, Hong-Jie Sheng, Xin Jiang*, 2017. Biodegradation of 5-chloro-2-picolinic acid by novel identified co-metabolizing degrader Achromobacter sp. f1. Biodegradation, 28 (2-3): 139-144. (*corresponding author)

(58)Hongjie Sheng, Yang Song, Yongrong Bian, Wei Wu, Leilei Xiang, Guangxia Liu, Xin Jiang and Fang Wang*, 2017. Determination of N-acyl homoserine lactones in soil using accelerated solvent extraction combined with solid-phase extraction and gas chromatography-mass spectrometry. Analytical Methods, 9 (4): 688-696. (*corresponding author)

(59)Fang Wang*, Robert D. Stedtfeld*, Ok-Sun Kim*, Benli Chai, Luxi Yang, Tiffany M. Stedtfeld, Soon Gyu Hong, Dockyu Kim, Hyoun Soo Lim, Syed A. Hashsham, James M. Tiedje, and Woo Jun Sul, 2016. Influence of soil characteristics and proximity to Antarctic research stations on abundance of antibiotic resistance genes in soils. Environmental Science & Technology, 50 (23): 12621-12629. (*equal contribution)

(60)Yang Song*, Yang Li, Wei Zhang, Fang Wang*, Yongrong Bian, Lisa A. Boughner, and Xin Jiang*, 2016. Novel Biochar-Plant Tandem Approach for Remediating Hexachlorobenzene Contaminated Soils: Proof-of-Concept and New Insight into the Rhizosphere. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 64: 5464-547. (*corresponding author)

(61)Mingyun Jia, Fang Wang*, Xin Jin, Yang Song, Yongrong Bian, Lisa A. Boughner, Xinglun Yang, Chenggang Gu, Xin Jiang*, Qiguo Zhao, 2016. Metal ion-oxytetracycline interactions on maize straw biochar pyrolyzed at different temperatures. Chemical Engineering Journal, 304: 934-940. (*corresponding author)

(62)Yang Song, Fang Wang*, Yongrong Bian, Xinglun Yang, Chenggang Gu, Mao Ye, Xin Jiang*, 2017. Does soil amendment affect the assessment of bioavailability of pentachlorobenzene using hydroxypropyl-β-cyclodextrin extraction method? Clean – Soil, Air, Water, 45(3): 1400622. (*corresponding author)

(63)Fang Wang, Ulrike D?rfler, Xin Jiang, Reiner Schroll, 2016. Predicting Isoproturon long-term mineralization from short-term experiment: Can this be a suitable approach? Chemosphere, 144: 312-318.

(64)Leilei Xiang, Yang Song, Yongrong Bian, Hongjie Sheng, Guangxia Liu, Xin iang, Guohua Li*, Fang Wang*, 2016. A purification method for 10 Polybrominated Diphenyl Ethers in soil using accelerated solvent extraction‐Solid Phase Extraction. Chinese Journal of Analytical Chemistry, 44(5): 671–677. (*corresponding author)

(65)Yinping Zhang*, Fang Wang*, Xiaoshu Zhu, Jun Zeng, Qiguo Zhao, Xin Jiang, 2015. Extracellular polymeric substances govern the development of biofilm and mass transfer of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons for improved biodegradation. Bioresource Technology, 193: 274-280. (*equal contribution)

(66)Yang Song, Fang Wang*, Fredrick Orori Kengara, Yongrong Bian, Xinglun Yang, Chenggang Gu, Mao Ye, Xin Jiang*, 2015. Does powder and granular activated carbon perform equally in immobilizing chlorobenzenes in soil? Environmental Science: Processes & Impacts, 17(1):74-80. (*corresponding author)

(67)Zhiguo Wu, Fang Wang*, Chenggang Gu, Yinping Zhang, ZongzhengYang, Xiaowei Wu, Xin Jiang*, 2014. Aquamicrobium terrae sp. nov., isolated from the polluted soil near a chemical factory. Antonie van Leeuwenhoek, 105:1131-1137. (*corresponding author)

(68)Fang Wang, Agnes Fekete, Mourad Harir, Xiao Chen, Ulrike D?rfler, Michael Rothballer, Xin Jiang, Philippe Schmitt-Kopplin, Reiner Schroll, 2013. Soil remediation with a microbial community established on a carrier: Strong hints for microbial communication during 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene degradation. Chemosphere, 92(11):1403-1409.

(69)Yinping Zhang, Fang Wang*, Haijiang Wei, Zhiguo Wu, Qiguo Zhao, Xin Jiang*, 2013. Enhanced biodegradation of poorly available polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons by easily available one. International Biodeterioration & Biodegradation, 84: 72-78. (*corresponding author)

(70)Mingyun Jia*, Fang Wang*, Yongrong Bian, Xin Jin, Yang Song, Fredrick Orori Kengara, Renkou Xu, Xin Jiang, 2013. Effects of pH and metal ions on oxytetracycline sorption to maize-straw-derived biochar. Bioresource Technology, 136: 87-93. (*equal contribution)

(71)Yang Song*, Fang Wang*, Fredrick Orori Kengara, Xinglun Yang, Chenggang Gu, and Xin Jiang, 2013. Immobilization of Chlorobenzenes in Soil Using Wheat Straw Biochar. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 61(18): 4210-4217. (*equal contribution)

(72)Congying Wang*, Fang Wang*, Qing Hong, Yinping Zhang, Fredrick Orori Kengara, Zengbo Li, Xin Jiang, 2013. Isolation and characterization of a toxic metal-tolerant Phenanthrene-degrader Sphingobium sp. in a two-liquid-phase partitioning bioreactor (TPPB). Environmental Earth Sciences, 70: 1765-1773(*equal contribution). 

(73)Yinping Zhang*, Fang Wang*, Yongrong Bian, Fredrick Orori Kengara,  Chenggang Gu, Qiguo Zhao, Xin Jiang, 2012. Enhanced desorption of humin-bound phenanthrene by attached phenanthrene-degrading bacteria. Bioresource Technology, 123: 92-97. (*equal contribution)

(74)Yang Song*, Fang Wang*, Yongrong Bian, Fredrick Orori Kengara, Mingyun Jia, Zubin Xie, Xin Jiang, 2012. Bioavailability assessment of hexachlorobenzene in soil as affected by wheat straw biochar. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 217-218: 391-397. (*equal contribution)

(75)Yang Song*, Fang Wang*, Yongrong Bian, Yinping Zhang, Xin Jiang, 2012. Chlorobenzenes and organochlorinated pesticides in vegetable soils from an industrial site, China. Journal of Environmental Sciences, 24(3): 362-369. (*equal contribution)

(76)Yinping Zhang*, Fang Wang*, Xinglun Yang, Chenggang Gu, Fredrick Orori Kengara, Qing Hong, Zhengyong Lv, Xin Jiang, 2011. Extracellular polymeric substances enhanced mass transfer of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in the two-liquid-phase system for biodegradation. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology, 90(3): 1063-1071. (*equal contribution)

(77)Yinping Zhang*, Fang Wang*, Congying Wang, Qing Hong, Fredrick Orori Kengara, Tao Wang, Yang Song, Xin Jiang, 2011. Enhanced microbial degradation of humin-bound phenanthrene in a two- liquid-phase system, Journal of Hazardous Materials, 186(2-3): 1830-1836. (*equal contribution)

(78)Wang F., U. Dorfler, M. Schmid, D. Fischer, L. Kinzel, H. Scherb, J.C. Munch, X. Jiang, R. Schroll, 2010. Homogeneous inoculation vs. microbial hot spots of isolated strain and microbial community: What is the most promising approach in remediating 1,2,4-TCB contaminated soils? Soil Biology & Biochemistry, 42(2): 331-336.

(79)Fang Wang, Sabine Grundmann, Michael Schmid, Ulrike D?rfler, Stefanie Roherer, Jean Charles Munch, Anton Hartmann, Xin Jiang, Reiner Schroll, 2007. Isolation and characterization of 1,2,4-trichlorobenzene mineralizing Bordetella sp. and its bioremediation potential in soil. Chemosphere, 67(5): 896-902.

(80)Fang Wang, Xin Jiang, Yongrong Bian, Fenxia Yao, Hongjian Gao, Guifen Yu, Jean Charles Munch, Reiner Schroll, 2007. Organochlorine pesticides in soils under different land usage in the Taihu Lake region, China. Journal of Environmental Sciences, 19(5): 584-590.

(81)Fang Wang, Yongrong Bian, Xin Jiang, Hongjian Gao, Guifen Yu, Jiancai Deng, 2006. Residue characteristics of organochlorine pesticides in Lou soils with different fertilization modes. Pedosphere, 16(2): 161-168.

(82)Xiaokai Zhang, Yi Zhu, Evrim Elcin, Lizhi He, Boling Li, Mengyuan Jiang, Xing Yang, Xiu-Ping Yan, Xu Zhao, Zhenyu Wang, Fang Wang, Sabry M. Shaheen, Jorg Rinklebe, Mona Wells, 2024. Whole-cell bioreporter application for rapid evaluation of hazardous metal bioavailability and toxicity in bioprocess. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 461: 132556

(83)Andreas Schaffer*, Ksenia J. Groh, Gabriel Sigmund, David Azoulay, Thomas Backhaus, Michael G. Bertram, Bethanie Carney Almroth, Ian T. Cousins, Alex T. Ford, Joan O. Grimalt, Yago Guida, Maria C. Hansson, Yunsun Jeong, Rainer Lohmann, David Michaels, Leonie Mueller, Jane Muncke, Gunilla Oberg, Marcos A. Orellana, Edmond Sanganyado, Ralf Bernhard Schafer, Ishmail Sheriff, Ryan C. Sullivan, Noriyuki Suzuki, Laura N. Vandenberg, Marta Venier, Penny Vlahos, Martin Wagner, Fang Wang, Mengjiao Wang, Anna Soehl, Marlene Agerstrand, Miriam L. Diamond, and Martin Scheringer*. Conflicts of Interest in the Assessment of Chemicals, Waste, and Pollution, Environmental Science&Technology, 2023, 57 (48), 19066-19077, https://doi/10.1021/acs.est.3c04213.

(84)Yuncheng Wang, Tingyuan Xu, En Song, Ziquan Wang, Hu Cheng, Zhiyong Ma, Yongrong Bian*, Yujie Hu, Fang Wang, Yang Song, Chenggang Gu, Xinglun Yang, Mao Ye, Fredrick Orori Kengara, Xin Jiang, 2023. Mercury adsorption and reduction by nonlinear optical material (NLOM) DMABR loaded on Sepiolite: A mechanism study. Chemical Engineering Journal, 453: 139787.

(85)Xiuli Fan, Chenggang Gu, Zhihua Jin, Jun Cai, Yongrong Bian, Fang Wang, Hong Chen, Xin Jiang, 2023. Major biotransformation of phthalic acid esters in Eisenia fetida: Mechanistic insights and association with catalytic enzymes and intestinal symbionts. Environment International, 171, 107712

(86)Chao He, Jean Damascene Harindintwali, Hao Cui, Yongxing Cui, Pengfei Chen, Chaoyang Mo, Qingyang Zhu, Weiwei Zheng, Daniel S. Alessi, Fang Wang, Zhenhui Jiang, Jingping Yang, 2023. Deciphering the dual role of bacterial communities in stabilizing rhizosphere priming effect under intra-annual change of growing seasons. Science of the Total Environment, 903:166777. doi:10.1016/j.scitotenv.2023.166777

(87)Tiancong Gao, Haixia Tian , Ziqi Wang , Jing Shi , Rui Yang, Fang Wang, Leilei Xiang, Yunchao Dai, Mallavarapu Megharaj , Wenxiang He, 2023. Effects of atrazine on microbial metabolic limitations in black soils: Evidence from enzyme stoichiometry. Chemosphere, 334:139045. doi:10.1016/j.chemosphere.2023.139045

(88)Wei Yang , Fang Wang, Lin Ma, Wei Zhao, Hao Long, Hui Zhu, Christoph Sp?tl, Hai Cheng, 2023. The Innovation Geoscience: An international journal of Earth science.  The Innovation Geoscience, 1:10001

(89)Prasanthi Sooriyakumar, Nanthi Bolan* , Manish Kumar, Lal Singh, Ying Yu, Yang Li, Chanusha Weralupitiya, Meththika Vithanage, Sammani Ramanayaka, Binoy Sarkar, Fang Wang, Deirdre B. Gleeson, Dongke Zhang, M.B. Kirkham, J?rg Rinklebe*, Kadambot H. M Siddique*, 2022. Biofilm formation and its implications on the properties and fate of microplastics in aquatic environments: A review. Journal of Hazardous Materials Advances, 6: 100077.

(90)Zhuangzhuang Qian, Shunyao Zhuang, Shunyao Zhuang, Jianshuang Gao, Luozhong Tang, Jean Damascene Harindintwali, Fang Wang. Aeration increases soil bacterial diversity and nutrient transformation under mulching-induced hypoxic conditions. Science of The Total Environment, 817(6):153017.

(91)ShixiWu, Zhen Yang, Fang Wang, Xin Jin, Fredrick Kengara, Kai Xi, Wenwen Fang, Weiben Yang, Yinping Zhang, 2022. Effect of γ-Fe2O3 nanoparticles on the composition of montmorillonite and its sorption capacity for pyrene. Science of The Total Environment, 813(473-474):151893.

(92)Xiaoning Li, Hailong Liu, Weiben Yang, Hongjie Sheng, Fang Wang, Jean Damascene Harindintwali, H.M.S.K. Herath, Yinping Zhang, 2022. Humic acid enhanced pyrene degradation by Mycobacterium sp. NJS-1. Chemosphere, 288(3): 132613.

(93)Xiaona Li, Yang Song, Yongrong Bian, Chenggang Gu, Xinglun Yang, Fang Wang, Xin Jiang, 2020. Insights into the mechanisms underlying e?cient Rhizodegradation of PAHs in biochar-amended soil: From microbial communities to soil metabolomics. Environment International, 114: 105995.(94)Hu Cheng, Yang Song,YongrongBian, Rongting Ji, Fang Wang, Chenggang Gu, Xinglun Yang, Mao Ye, Gangfeng Ouyang, Xin Jiang, 2019. Meso-/microporous carbon as an adsorbent for enhanced performance in solid-phase microextraction of chlorobenzenes. Science of The Total Environment, 681: 392-399.

(95)Xiaona Li, Yang Song, Shi Yao, YongrongBian, Chenggang Gu, Xinglun Yang, Fang Wang, Xin Jiang, 2019. Can biochar and oxalic acid alleviate the toxicity stress caused by polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in soil microbial communities? Science of the Total Environment, 695: 133879. 

(96)Xiaona Li, Yang Song, Yongrong Bian, Fang Wang, Chenggang Gu, Xinglun Yang, Xin Jiang, 2019.Effects of root exudates on the sorption of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons onto biochar. Chemical Speciation and Bioavailability, 31: 156-165.

(97)Hu Cheng, Yongrong Bian, Fang Wang, Xin Jiang, Rongting Ji, Chenggang Gu, Xinglun Yang, Yang Song, 2019. Green conversion of crop residues into porous carbons and their application to efficiently remove polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons from water: Sorption kinetics, isotherms and mechanism. Bioresource Technology, 284:1-8.

(98)Ziquan Wang, Haixia Tian, Xiangping Tan, Fang Wang, Hanzhong Jia, Mallavarapu Megharaj, Wenxiang He, 2019. Long-term as contamination alters soil enzyme functional stability in response to additional heat disturbance. Chemosphere, 229: 471-480.

(99)Xiaona Li, Yang Song, Fang Wang, Yongrong Bian, Xin Jiang, 2019. Combined effects of maize straw biochar and oxalic acid on the dissipation of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and microbial community structures in soil: A mechanistic study. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 364, 325-331.

(100)Xin Jin, Fredrick O.Kengara, Xianhui Yue, Fang Wang, ReinerSchroll, Jean C.Munch, Cheng Gu, Xin Jiang, 2019. Shorter interval and multiple flooding-drying cycling enhanced the mineralization of 14C-DDT in a paddy soil. Science of the Total Environment, 676: 420-428.

(101)Hu Cheng, Fang Wang, Yongrong Bian, Rongting Ji, Yang Song, Xin Jiang, 2019. Co- and self-activated synthesis of tailored multimodal porous carbons for solid-phase microextraction of chlorobenzenes and polychlorinated biphenyls. Journal of Chromatography A, 1585:1-9.

(102)Hu Cheng, Yang Song,  Yongrong Bian,  Rongting Ji, Fang Wang, Chenggang Gu, Xinglun Yang, Xin Jiang, 2018. Sustainable synthesis of nanoporous carbons from agricultural waste and their application for solid-phase microextraction of chlorinated organic pollutants. RSC Advances, 8:15915.

(103)Robert D Stedtfeld, Xueping Guo, Tiffany M Stedtfeld, Hongjie Sheng, Maggie R Williams, Kristin Hauschild, Santosh Gunturu, Leo Tift, Fang Wang, Adina Howe, Benli Chai, Daqiang Yin, James R Cole, James M Tiedje, Syed A Hashsham, 2018. Primer set 2.0 for highly parallel qPCR array targeting antibiotic resistance genes and mobile genetic elements. FEMS Microbiology Ecology, 94(9): fiy130.

(104)Imran Hussain, Gajender Alet, Ravi Naidu, Markus Puschenreiter, Qaisar Mahmood, Mohammad Mahmudur Rahman, Fang Wang, Shahida Shaheen, Jabir Hussain Syed, Thomas G. Reichenauer, 2018. Microbe and plant assisted-remediation of organic xenobiotics and its enhancement by genetically modified organisms and recombinant technology: A review. Science of the Total Environment, 628:1582-1599.

(105)Hu Cheng, Yang Song, Yongrong Bian, Fang Wang, Rongting Ji, Wenxiang He, Chenggang Gu, Gangfeng Ouyang, Xin Jiang, 2018. A nanoporous carbon material coated onto steel wires for solid-phase microextraction of chlorobenzenes prior to their quantitation by gas chromatography. Microchimica Acta. 185(1): 56.

(106)Hu Cheng, Yang Song, Fang Wang, Rongting Ji, Xiaona Li, Yuhao Fu, Xinglun Yang, Yongrong Bian, Xin Jiang, 2018. Facile synthesis of hierarchical porous carbon from crude biomass for high-performance solid-phase microextraction. Journal of Chromatography A. 1548:1-9.

(107)Ni Ni, Renyong Sh, Zongtang Liu, Yongrong Bian, Fang Wang, Yang Song, Xin Jiang, 2018. Effects of biochars on the bioaccessibility of phenanthrene/pyrene/zinc/lead and microbial community structure in a soil under aerobic and anaerobic conditions. Journal of Environmental Sciences, 63(1): 296-306.

(108)Yang Song, Min Xu, Xiaona Li, Yongrong Bian, Fang Wang, Xinglun Yang, Chenggang Gu, Xin Jiang, 2018. Long-term plastic greenhouse cultivation changes soil microbial community structures: a case study. Journal of agricultural and food chemistry, 66: 8941-8948.

(109)Qingqing Ti, Chenggang Gu, Chang Liu, Jun Cai, Yongrong Bian, Xinglun Yang, Yang Song, Fang Wang, Cheng Sun, Xin Jiang, 2018. Comparative evaluation of influence of aging, soil properties and structural characteristics on bioaccessibility of polychlorinated biphenyls in soil. Chemosphere, 210: 941-948.

(110)Ni Ni, Wang Fang, Yang Song, Mingyun Jia, Yongrong Bian, Xinlun Yang, Chenggang Gu, Xin Jiang, 2017.Effect of cetyltrimethyl ammonium bromide on uptake of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons by carrots. Journal of Environmental Management, 10: 1-11.

(111)Ni Ni, Fang Wang , Yang Song, Renyong Shi, Mingyun Jia, Yongrong Bian, Xin Jiang, 2017.Effects of cationic surfactant on the bioaccumulation of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in rice and the soil microbial community structure. Rsc Advances, 7(66): 41444-41451.

(112)Yang Song*, Yongrong Bian, Fang Wang, Min Xu, Ni Ni, Xinglun Yang., Cucheng Gu, Xin Jiang*, 2017. Dynamic Effects of Biochar on the Bacterial Community Structure in Soil Contaminated with Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 65(32): 6789-6796.

(113)Yang Song*, Yongrong Bian, Fang Wang, Anna Herzberger, Xinglun Yang, Chenggang Gu, Xin Jiang*, 2017.Effects of biochar on dechlorination of hexachlorobenzene and the bacterial community in paddy soil. Chemosphere, 186: 116-123.

(114)Yun Xie, Zhenggui Gu, H.M.S.K. Hmsk, Minfen Gu, Chang He, Fang Wang, Xin Jiang, Jie Zhang, Yinping Zhang, 2017. Evaluation of bacterial biodegradation and accumulation of phenanthrene in the presence of humic acid. Chemosphere, 184: 482.

(115)Yanan Zhang, Xinglun Yang, Chenggang Gu, Yongrong Bian, Zongtang Liu, Mingyun Jia, Fang Wang, Daizhang Wang, Xin Jiang, 2017.Prediction of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon bioaccessibility to earthworms in spiked soils by composite extraction with hydroxypropyl-β-cyclodextrin and organic acids. Pedosphere, 27(3): 502-510.

(116)Ni Ni, Fang Wang, Yang Song, Yongrong Bian, Renyong Shi, Xinglun Yang, Chenggang Gu, Xin Jiang, 2017. Mechanisms of biochar reducing the bioaccumulation of PAHs in rice from soil: degradation stimulation VS immobilization. Chemosphere, 196: 288-296.

(117)Ni Ni, Yang Song, Renyong Shi, Zongtang Liu, Yongrong Bian, Fang Wang, Xinglun Yang, Chenggang Gu, Xin Jiang, 2017.Biochar reduces the bioaccumulation of PAHs from soil to carrot (Daucus carota L.) in the rhizosphere: A mechanism study. Science of The Total Environment, 601-602: 1015-1023.

(118)Hu Cheng, Yongrong Bian, Yang Song, Wenxiang He, Chenggang Gu, Fang Wang, Xinglun Yang, Mao Ye, Rongting Ji, Xin Jiang, 2017.A solvent free method of analysis to rapidly determine trace levels of ten medium and low brominated diphenyl ethers in soil pore water. RSC Advances, 7(26): 15823-15832.

(119)Xin Jin, Huaizhou Xu, Shanshan Qiu, Mingyun Jia, Fang Wang, Aiqian Zhang, Xin Jiang, 2017. Direct photolysis of oxytetracycline: Influence of initial concentration, pH and temperature. Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology A: Chemistry, 332: 224–231.

(120)Mengrong Zhu, Chenggang Gu, Yinwen Cheng, Xuehai Ju, Yongrong Bian, Xinglun Yang, Yang Song, Mao Ye, Fang Wang, Xin Jiang, 2017.Theoretical investigation of congener-specific soil sorption of polychlorinated biphenyls by DFT computation and potent QSAR analyses. Journal of Soils and Sediments, 17(1): 35-46.

(121)Yanan Zhang, Xinglun Yang, Chenggang Gu, Fang Wang, Yongrong Bian, Yang Song, Daizhang Wang, Xin Jiang, 2016. A novel bioaccessibility prediction method for PAHs in soil: Composite extraction with hydroxypropyl-β-cyclodextrin and extracellular polymer substances. Science of The Total Environment, 569: 997-1003.

(122)Xin Jin, Shanshan Qiu, Ke Wu, Mingyun Jia, Fang Wang, Chenggang Gu, Aiqian Zhang, Xin Jiang, 2016. The effect of Cu2+ chelation on the direct photolysis of oxytetracycline: A study assisted by spectroscopy analysis and DFT calculation. Environmental Pollution, 214: 831-839.

(123)Robert D. Stedtfeld, Maggie Williams, Umama Fakher,Timothy A.Johnson, Tiffany M. Stedtfeld, Fang Wang, Walid T. Khalife, Mary Hughes, Brett Etchebarne, James M.Tiedje, Syed A. Hashsham, 2016. Antimicrobial Resistance (AR) Dashboard Application for Mapping Environmental Occurrence and Resistant Pathogens. FEMS Microbiology Ecology. 92(3): fiw020.

(124)Jin Xin, Fang Wang, Chenggang Gu, Xinglun Yang, Fredrick O. Kengara, Yongrong Bian, Yang Song, Xin Jiang, 2015. The interactive biotic and abiotic processes of DDT transformation under dissimilatory iron-reducing conditions. Chemosphere, 138: 18-24.

(125)Liu, Zongtang, Chenggang Gu, Mao Ye, Yongrong Bian, Yinwen Cheng, Fang Wang, Xinglun Yang, Yang Song, Xin Jiang, 2015.Debromination of Polybrominated Diphenyl Ethers by attapulgite-supported Fe/Ni bimetallic nanoparticles: Influencing factors, kinetics and mechanism. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 298: 328-337.

(126)Yang Song, Fang Wang, Yongrong Bian, Mao Ye, Xin Jiang, 2015. Using a two-liquid-phase system to investigate the biodegradation of trichlorobenzenes. Pedosphere, 25(2): 169-176.

(127)Tao Wang, Xin Jiang, Congying Wang, Fang Wang, Yongrong Bian, Guifen Yu, 2014. Adsorption of phenanthrene on Al (oxy)hydroxides formed under the influence of tannic acid. Environmental Earth Sciences, 71: 773-782.

(128)Zhi-Guo Wu, Dao-Feng Zhang, Ya-Long Liu, Fang Wang, Xin Jiang, Chao Li, Shun-Peng Li, Qing Hong, Wen-Jun Li, 2013.Paracoccus zhejiangensis sp. nov., isolated from activated sludge in wastewater-treatment system. Antonie van Leeuwenhoek, 104(1): 123-128.

(129)Xinglun Yang, Zhengyong Lv, Yongrong Bian, Fang Wang , Chenggang Gu, Yang Song, Xin Jiang, 2013. Predicting PAHs bioavailability for earthworms by mild solvents and Tenax extraction. Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering, 1(4): 768-776.

(130)Mao Ye, Xinglun Yang, Mingming Sun, Yongrong Bian, Fang Wang, Chenggang Gu, Haijiang Wei, Yang Song, Lei Wang, Xin Jin, Xin Jiang, 2013. Use of organic solvents to extract organochlorine pesticides (OCPs) from aged contaminated soils. Pedosphere, 23(1): 10-19.

(131)Zhao Zhenhua, Liling Xia, Fang Wang, Xin Jiang, Yanzheng Gao, 2012. Optimization of extractants, purifying packings, and eluents for analytical extraction of organochlorine pesticides in Hydragric Acrisols. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 184(8): 5159-5171.

(132)Yang Song, Fang Wang, Xinglun Yang, Cuiying Liu, Fredrick Orori Kengara, Xin Jin, Xin Jiang, 2011. Chemical extraction to assess the bioavailability of chlorobenzenes in soil with different aging periods. Journal of Soils and Sediments, 11(8): 1345-1354.

(133)Congying Wang, Fang Wang, Tao Wang, Xinglun Yang, Yongrong Bian, F. O. Kengara, Zengbo Li, Xin Jiang, 2011. Effects of autoclaving and mercuric chloride sterilization on PAHs dissipation in a two-liquid-phase soil slurry. Pedosphere, 21(1): 56-64.

(134)Yang Song, Fang Wang, F. O. Kengara, Yongrong Bian, Xinglun Yang, Cuiying Liu, Xin Jiang, 2011. Improved biodegradation of 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene by adapted microorganisms in agricultural soil and in soil suspension culture, Pedosphere, 21(4): 423-431.

(135)Congying Wang, Fang Wang, Tao Wang, Yongrong Bian, Xinglun Yang, Xin Jiang, 2010. PAHs biodegradation potential of indigenous consortia from agricultural soil and contaminated soil in two-liquid-phase bioreactor (TLPB). Journal of Hazardous Materials, 176(1-3): 41–47.

(136)Xinglun Yang, Fang Wang, Chenggang Gu, Xin JiangYang, 2010. Tenax TA extraction to assess the bioavailability of DDTs in cotton field soils. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 179(1-3): 676-683.

(137)Cuiying Liu, Xin Jiang, Fang Wang, Xinglun Yang, Tao Wang, 2010. Hexachlorobenzene dechlorination as affected by nitrogen application in acidic paddy soil. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 179(1-3): 709-714.

(138)Yaqi Tao, Xin Jiang, Yongrong Bian, Xinglun Yang, Fang Wang, 2009. Transport of malathion in homogeneous soil liquid chromatographic columns: Influence of nonequilibrium sorption. Vadose Zone Journal, 8(1): 42-51.

(139)Chenggang Gu, Xin Jiang, Xuehai Ju, Xuedong Gong, Fang Wang, Yongrong Bian, Cheng Sun, 2009. QSARs for congener-specific toxicity of polyhalogenated dibenzo-p-dioxins with DFT and WHIM theory. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 72(1): 60-70.

(140)Gu C. G., X. H. Ju, X. Jiang, F. Wang, S. G. Yang, C. Sun, 2009. DFT study on the bromination pattern dependence of electronic properties and their validity in quantitative structure-activity relationships of polybrominated diphenyl ethers, SAR and QSAR in Environmental Research, 20(3-4): 287-307.

(141)Fenxia Yao, Guifen Yu, Fang Wang, Xinglun Yang, Xin Jiang, 2008. Aging activity of DDE in dissimilar rice soils in a greenhouse experiment. Chemosphere, 71(6): 1188-1195.

(142)Chunqin Yin, Xin Jiang, Xinglun Yang, Yongrong Bian, Fang Wang, 2008. Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in soils in the vicinity of Nanjing, China. Chemosphere, 73(3): 389-394.

(143)Xinglun Yang, Xin Jiang, Guifen Yu, Fenxia Yao, Yongrong Bian, Fang Wang, 2007. Leaf-air transfer of organochlorine pesticides from three selected vegetables. Environmental Pollution 148(2): 555-561.

(144)Fenxia Yao, Guifen Yu, Yongrong Bian, Xinglun Yang, Fang Wang, Xin Jiang, 2007. Bioavailability to grains of rice of aged and fresh DDD and DDE in soils. Chemosphere, 68(1): 78-84.

(145)Ligang Wang, Xin Jiang, Dongyun Yan, Jinshui Wu, Yongrong Bian, Fang Wang, 2007. Behavior and fate of chlorpyrifos introduced into soil–crop systems by irrigation. Chemosphere, 66(3): 391-396.

(146)Jiancai Deng, Xin Jiang, Xin Lu, Guifen Yu, Fang Wang, Bin Zhang, 2007. Atrazine adsorption on a Fluvo-aquic soil as influenced by contact period. Pedosphere, 17(6): 786-791.

(147)F.X. Yao, X. Jiang, G.F. Yu, F. Wang, Y.R. Bian, 2006. Evaluation of accelerated dechlorination of p,p’-DDT in acidic paddy soil. Chemosphere, 64(4): 628-633.

(148)Dongyun Yan, Xin Jiang, Guifen Yu, Zhenhua Zhao, Yongrong Bian, Fang Wang, 2006. Quantitative structure–toxicity relationships of organophosphorous pesticides to fish (Cyprinus carpio), Chemosphere, 63(5): 744-750.

(149)Hongjian Gao, Xin Jiang, Fang Wang, Yongrong Bian, Daizhang Wang, Jiancai. Deng, Dongyun Yan, 2005. Residual levels and new inputs of chlorinated POPs in agricultural soils from Taihu Lake Region. Pedosphere, 15(3): 301-309.

(150)H. J. Gao, X. Jiang, F. Wang, D. Z. Wang, Y. R. Bian, 2005. Residual Levels and Bioaccumulation of Chlorinated Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs) in Vegetables from Suburb of Nanjing, P. R. China, Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology, 74(4): 673-680.

(151)Ligang Wang, Xin Jiang, Fang Wang, Yongrong Bian, Stephan Forster, Dieter Martens, 2004. Separation of chlorinated hydrocarbons and organophosphorus, pyrethroid pesticides by silica gel fractionation chromatography and their simultaneous determination by GC-MS, Journal of Environmental Sciences, 16(2): 168-271.

Book Chapter

Fang Wang*, James M. Tiedje, 2020. Antibiotic resistance in soil. In: Celia M. Manaia, Erica Donner, Ivone Vaz-Moreira, and Peiying Hong (eds.) Antibiotic resistance in the Environment, 267-293. The Handbook of Environmental Chemistry, vol 91. Springer, Cham.

Registered Patents

Prof. Wang has 37 registered patents, in 18 of which she is the lead author.

(1) Fang Wang, Xin Wen, Yuhao Fu, Leilei Xiang, Jiandong Jiang, Yu Wang, Siqi Wei, Yongrong Bian, Xin Jiang. A seed fungicide for mitigating atrazine residual damage in soybean and its preparation method and application. People’s Republic of China Patent (Patent No. CN 202311324047.9)

(2) Fang Wang, Qingyuan Dou, Yuhao Fu, Leilei Xiang, Yongrong Bian, Xi Wang, Xin Jiang. A method for the detection of carbon and nitrogen stable isotopes in sulfamethoxazole monomers. People’s Republic of China Patent (Patent No. CN 202310736538.8)

(3) Fang Wang, Zhiliang Zhao, Leilei Xiang, Ziquan Wang, Yu Liu, Xinglun Yang, Yongrong Bian, Xin Jiang. A method for the removal of organic pollutants from water based on sulphite-activated pertechnate. People’s Republic of China Patent (Patent No. CN 202310213194.2)

(4) Fang Wang, Leilei Xiang, Xiao Yuan, Zhenhua Zhao, Chenggang Gu, Xinglun Yang, Mao Ye, Xin Jiang. The invention relates to a green and efficient leaching agent for soil remediation by polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and an application method. People’s Republic of China Patent (Patent No. ZL 202210524946.2)

(5) Fang Wang, Hongjie Sheng, Fidele Sunanon, Leilei Xiang, Yongrong Bian, Xin Jiang. A Method for Removing Organochlorine Compounds in Soil by Chelating Agent-Enhanced Advanced Oxidation Under Electrokinetic Remediation. Application Number: 2031159. Application submitted: 4 March 2022. Patent granted:5 June 2023. Patent centre Netherlands.

(6) Fang Wang, Ziquan Wang, Jun Zeng,Hongjie Sheng, Leilei Xiang, Yongrong Bian, Xin Jiang. A method and microbial agent for enhanced microbial degradation of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons.People’s Republic of China Patent (Patent No. ZL 202111042043.2).

(7) Fang Wang,Zhi Mei,Yuhao Fu,Yongrong Bian,Xin Jiang. A method for blocking the entry of antibiotic resistance genes into plant leaves using carbon-based materials and its effect evaluation method. People’s Republic of China Patent (Patent No. ZL202110259591.4).

(8) Fang Wang,Hongjie Sheng,Fidèle Suanona,Leilei Xiang,Yongrong Bian,Xin Jiang. A method for removing persistent organic pollutants in soil by Triton X-100 enhanced advanced oxidation combined with electrokinetic remediation. People’s Republic of China Patent (Patent No. ZL202010041353.1).

(9) Fang Wang,Fidèle Suanona,Hongjie Sheng,Leilei Xiang,Yongrong Bian,Xin Jiang. A method for removing organic chlorides in soil by surfactant-enhanced advanced oxidation combined with electrokinetic remediation. People’s Republic of China Patent (Patent No. ZL201911141368.9).

(10) Fang Wang,Hongjie Sheng,Fidèle Suanona,Leilei Xiang,Yongrong Bian,Xin Jiang. A method of chelating agent enhanced advanced oxidation combined with electrokinetic remediation to remove organochlorine compounds in soil. People’s Republic of China Patent (Patent No. ZL201911140578.6)

(11) Fang Wang, Yuhao Fu, Hongjie Sheng, Yongrong Bian, Xin Jiang. A magnetic biochar-quaternary phosphonium salt bactericidal material, preparation and use method. People’s Republic of China Patent (Patent No. ZL201910601263.0)

(12) Fang Wang, Leilei Xiang, Hongjie Sheng, Chenggang Gu, Xinglun Yang, Yang Song, Yongrong Bian, Xin Jiang. A graphene oxide based dispersed acidic silica filler, preparation method and application. People’s Republic of China Patent (Patent No. ZL 201811557449.1)

(13) Fang Wang, Leilei Xiang, Yongrong Bian, Xin Jiang, Chenggang Gu, Xinglun Yang, Yang Song, Mao Ye. A pre-treatment technique for the detection of PBDE residues in vegetables. People’s Republic of China Patent (Patent No. ZL201710043091.0)

(14) Fang Wang,Hongjie Sheng, Yang Song, Yongrong Bian, Chenggang Gu, Xinglun Yang, Mao Ye, Xin Jiang. A method for the extraction and purification of acylhomoserine lactone from soil and its application. People’s Republic of China Patent (Patent No. ZL201610941216.7)

(15) Fang Wang,Hongjie Sheng,Yang Song,Yongrong Bian,Xin Jiang,Chenggang Gu,Xinglun Yang,Mao Ye. A gas chromatography-mass spectrometry method for the determination of acylhomoserine lactones in soil solutions. People’s Republic of China Patent (Patent No. ZL 201410255272.6)

(16) Fang Wang,Mingyun Jia,Xin Jiang,Yongrong Bian,Yang Song,Zubin Xie,Xinglun Yang,Chenggang Gu. A method for removing oxytetracycline from livestock wastewater by straw biochar. People’s Republic of China Patent (Patent No. ZL201310011111.8)

(17) Fang Wang, Yang Song, Xin Jiang, Yongrong Bian, Chenggang Gu, Xinglun Yang. An extraction and determination method of chlorobenzene organic pollutants in silicone oil. People’s Republic of China Patent (Patent No. ZL201210173322.7)

(18) Fang Wang, Yang Song, Xin Jiang, Xinglun Yang, Chenggang Gu, Yongrong Bian. A method for degrading chlorobenzene organic pollutants by two-liquid phase system. People’s Republic of China Patent (Patent No. ZL201010581764.6)

(19) Leilei Xiang, Fang Wang, Ziquan Wang, Yongrong Bian, Zhiliang Zhao, Yang Song, Xin Jiang. A non-ionic-anionic surfactant composition and its application in soil remediation. People’s Republic of China Patent (Patent No. ZL 202210524948.1)

(20) Leilei Xiang, Fang Wang, Chenggang Gu, Yongrong Bian, Xin Jiang. 2, 5-dihydroxybenzoic acid is used as a mass spectrometric image object and a mass spectrometric image method. People’s Republic of China Patent (Patent No. ZL 202110257597.8)

(21) Hu Cheng,Yongrong Bian,Yang Song,Rongting Ji,Fang Wang,Xin Jiang. Application of a green activator in the preparation of porous carbon materials. People’s Republic of China Patent (Patent No. ZL201711104492.9)

(22) Xinglun Yang, Mao Ye, Xin Jiang, Yongrong Bian, Chenggang Gu, Fang Wang, Yang Song, Jianghai Wei, Jingting Wang. Equipment and method for multiple ectopic repair of organochlorine pesticide contaminated soil. People’s Republic of China Patent (Patent No. ZL201310092591.5)

(23) Xinglun Yang, Mao Ye, Xin Jiang, Fang Wang, Yongrong Bian, Chenggang Gu, Jianghai Wei. An eluent for organochlorine pesticide contaminated soil and its remediation method. People’s Republic of China Patent (Patent No. ZL201010547630.2)

(24) Mao Ye,Mingming Sun,Yinwen Cheng,Sha Zhang,Xin Jiang,Yang Song,Fang Wang,Yongrong Bian,Chenggang Gu,Xinglun Yang. Combined chemical elution-phytoremediation of polybrominated diphenyl ethers and heavy metal complex contaminated soil. People’s Republic of China Patent (Patent No. ZL201410364665.0)

(25) Mao Ye, Ni Ni, Xin Jiang,Mingming Sun,Yinwen Cheng, Zongtang Liu,Chenggang Gu,Yongrong Bian,Xinglun Yang,Fang Wang,Yang Song. Combined chemical-phytoremediation method for fluoride-based composite contaminated site soil. People’s Republic of China Patent (Patent No. ZL201310712693.2)

(26) Hu Cheng,Yongrong Bian,Yang Song,Fang Wang,Chenggang Gu,Xinglun Yang,Mao Ye, Rongting Ji,Xin Jiang. A telescopic integrated soil and soil solution collection device. People’s Republic of China Patent (Patent No. ZL201621390363.1)

(27) Hu Cheng,Yongrong Bian,Yang Song, Wenxiang He,Fang Wang,Chenggang Gu,Xinglun Yang,Mao Ye, Rongting Ji, Chang Liu,Xin Jiang. An in-situ solidification collection device for volatile and semi-volatile organic pollutants in water bodies. People’s Republic of China Patent (Patent No. ZL201720073155.7)

(28) Hu Cheng, Rongting Ji,Yongrong Bian,Yang Song,Fang Wang,Chenggang Gu,He Wenxiang,Xin Jiang. A portable multi-scale graded filtering device. People’s Republic of China Patent (Patent No. ZL201720439032.0)

(29) Hu Cheng, Yongrong Bian, Yang Song, Wenxiang He, Fang Wang, Chenggang Gu, Xinglun Yang, Mao Ye, Rongting Ji, Chang Liu, Xin Jiang. A device for collecting organic pollutants in situ solidification and its application. People’s Republic of China Patent (Patent No. ZL201710043188.1)

(30) Yongrong Bian, Hu Cheng, Yang Song, Fang Wang, Chenggang Gu, Xinglun Yang, Mao Ye, Rongting Ji, Xin Jiang. A method for the detection of low brominated diphenyl ethers in trace amounts in soil pore water. People’s Republic of China Patent (Patent No. ZL201710138778.2)

(31) Yang Song,Hu Cheng,Yongrong Bian,Rongting Ji,Xin Jiang,Fang Wang. A porous carbon solid-phase microextraction coating and its preparation method and application. People’s Republic of China Patent (Patent No. ZL201710397702.1)

(32) Yang Song,Hu Cheng,Yongrong Bian,Rongting Ji,Fang Wang,Xin Jiang. A solid-phase microextraction probe based on rape straw charcoal and its preparation method and application. People’s Republic of China Patent (Patent No. ZL201710908435.X)

(33) Yang Song, Fang Wang, Xin Jiang, Zubin Xie, Chenggang Gu, Xinglun Yang, Yongrong Bian. A method for fixing chlorobenzene-type volatile organic pollutants in soil using straw biomass charcoal. People’s Republic of China Patent (Patent No. ZL201210591066.3)

(34) Yang Song, Yang Li, Fang Wang, Yongrong Bian, Xin Jiang, Xinglun Yang, Chenggang Gu, Mao Ye. A combined biochar-plant remediation method for chlorobenzene volatile organic compounds contaminated soil. People’s Republic of China Patent (Patent No. ZL 201410714912.5)

(35) Hu Cheng,Yang Song,Yongrong Bian,Rongting Ji,Fang Wang,Xin Jiang. A plant disposal device for hyperaccumulation of heavy metals in soil and a method of preparing biomass charcoal. People’s Republic of China Patent (Patent No. ZL201910062830.X)

(36) Hu Cheng,Yang Song,Yongrong Bian,Rongting Ji,Rui Liu,Fang Wang,Xin Jiang. A microporous-mesoporous carbon and its preparation method and application. People’s Republic of China (Patent No. ZL201811515446.2)

(37) Hu Cheng,Yang Song,Yongrong Bian,Rongting Ji,Fang Wang,Xin Jiang. A preparation method of graded porous carbon and its application. People’s Republic of China Patent (Patent No. ZL20180951310X) 

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