Zhu Chunwu

General Information
Name: Chunwu Zhu 
Title: Professor
Work Email: cwzhu@issas.ac.cn
Work Phone: 025-86881120
Research Fields
Response and adaptation of farmland and wetland ecosystems under global change, and its regional and global scale simulation prediction
Education Background
(1)2006-2009, Ph.D., Institute of Soil Science Chinese Academy of Science, Nanjing, China  
(2)2003-2006, Master, Institute of Soil Science Chinese Academy of Science, Nanjing, China 
(3)1999-2003, Bachelor, Nanjing Agricultural University, Nanjing, China
Professional Experience
(1)2017- Present, Researcher, Institute of Soil Science Chinese Academy of Science, Nanjing, China
(2)2016-2017, Visiting Scholar, Smithsonian Environment Research Center, USA
(3)2012-2017, Associate Researcher, Institute of Soil Science, Chinese Academy of Science, Nanjing, China
(4)2011-2012, Postdoctoral fellow, National Institute for Agricultural Environmental Sciences, Japan 
(5)2009-2011, Special Researcher, JSPS, Tokyo, Japan
Social Positions
(1)2022-Present, Director, Soil Carbon Neutral Technology Research and Development Center,
Institute of Soil Science, Chinese Academy of Sciences
(2)2018 -Present, Director, Soil Use and Environmental Change Research Center, Institute of Soil Science, Chinese Academy of Sciences
(3)2021-Present, Associate Editor, Front Plant Science
(4)2020-Present, Editorial board, Soil, Journal of Ecology, Soil and Crops
(5)2018-2019, Guest editor, Special Issue of “Climate Change and Plant Nutrition” in Frontiers in Plant Science
(6)2021-Present, Member, International Cooperation and Exchange Working Committee of Soil Science Society of China
(7)2021-Present, Permanent Council, Agricultural Resources and Environment Branch of China Association of Agricultural Science Societies
(8)2022-Present, Deputy Director,Working Group on Carbon Neutralization and Global Change of  Soil Science Society of China
(9)2022-Present, General Technical Director, Jiangsu Major Scientific Research Facility Platform – Soil Carbon Neutralization and Climate Change Facility Platform Project
(10)2022- Present, President, JSPS China Homecoming Association of Jiangsu Branch 
(1)Carbon Neutralization and Climate Change Test Facility Platform Preparation Project, Jiangsu Major Scientific Research Facility Platform
(2)Top Young Scholar of National Ten Thousand Talent Program
(3)Carbon Peaking and Carbon Neutrality Special Fund for Science and Technology from Nanjing Science and Technology Bureau
(4)Carbon Peaking and Carbon Neutrality Special Fund for Science and Technology from Jiangsu Science and Technology Department
(5)Research on Soil Carbon storage of Forest, Grassland and Wetland Ecosystems in Ordos
(6)Integration and Demonstration of Regulation and Control Technology for Sustainable, Green and Efficient Production in Guangdong Facility Agricultural Environment
(7)Research on the Impact of Global Change on Regional and Global Food Security
(8)Research on the Key Technology of Improving Tobacco Quality by Cultivating Soil Rich in Carbon
(9)Key Research and Development Program of Jiangsu Province, Strawberry Slimming Medicine in Greenhouse
(1)Qiu Jiang Bo, Cai Chuang, Tao Ye, Gu Xin Yue, Zhu Chun Wu. <A treatment method to improve the firmness and soluble solids of strawberry fruit >, 202210362238.3, 2022/04/07.
(2)Tao Ye, Qiu Jiang Bo, Zhu Chun Wu. < A device for rapid and accurate measurement of leaf area in the field>, CN202220042399.X, 2022/01/10.
(3)Li Xun, Duan Zeng Qiang, Zhu Chun Wu. <Method for Optimizing Particle Size of Slow-Release Nitrogen Fertilizer Oxamide Particles for Single Basal Fertilization> (PCT/CN2021/123205) PCT, 2021/10/12.
(4)Zhou Wei, Zhao Xu, Shan Jun, Lin Jing Hui, Wang Shu Wei, Yan Xiao Yuan, Zhu Chun Wu. <A new type of aerated ammonia volatilization sampling device>, CN202122351723.4, 2021/09/27.
(5)Zhu Chun Wu, Zhu Jian Guo, Huang Wen Zhao, Zen Qin, Xie Zu Bin. <A Leaf Chamber Structure for Measuring Photosynthesis of Non-leaf Organs in the Field>, CN200820037764.8, 2008/07/02.
(1)Yu Wang, Yuanyuan Huang, Lian Song, Jiahui Yuan, Wei Li, Yongguan Zhu, Scott X. Chang, Yiqi Luo, Philippe Ciais, Josep Pe?uelas, Julie Wolf, Barbara J. Cade-Menun, Shuijin Hu, Lei Wang, Dengjun Wang, Zengwei Yuan, Yujun Wang, Jishuang Zhang, Ye Tao, Shenqiang Wang, Gang Liu, Xiaoyuan Yan, Chunwu Zhu*. Reduced phosphorus availability in paddy soils under atmospheric CO2 enrichment. Nature Geoscience, 2023: 1-7.
(2)Xiong Yang, Dongming Wang, Ye Tao, Min Shen, Wei Wei, Chuang Cai, Changfeng Ding, Jiuyu Li, Lian Song, Bin Yin, Chunwu Zhu*. Effects of elevated CO2 on the Cd uptake by rice in Cd-contaminated paddy soils.  Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2023, 442(15): 130140.
(3)Min Shen, Chuang Cai*, Lian Song, Jiangbo Qiu, Chuanqi Ma, Dongming Wang, Xinyue Gu1, Xiong Yang, Wei Wei, Ye Tao, Jishuang Zhang, Gang Liu, Chunwu Zhu*. Elevated CO2 and temperature under future climate change increase severity of rice sheath blight. Frontiers in Plant Science, 2023, 14: 1-14.
(4)Chunwu Zhu*, J. Adam Langley, Lewis H. Ziska, Donald R. Cahoon, J. Patrick Megonigal*.  Accelerated sea-level rise is suppressing CO2 stimulation of tidal marsh productivity: A 33-year study. Science Advances, 2022, 8(20): eabn0054.
(5)Jishuang Zhang, Danfeng Li, Xi Xu, Lewis H. Ziska, Jianguo Zhu, Gang Liu, Chunwu Zhu*.  The potential role of sucrose transport gene expression in the photosynthetic and yield response of rice cultivars to future CO2 concentration. Physiologia Plantarum, 2020, 168(1): 218-226.
(6)Chunwu Zhu et al. Carbon dioxide (CO2) levels this century will alter the protein, micronutrients, and vitamin content of rice grains with potential health consequences for the poorest rice-dependent countries. Science Advances.2018, 4: eaaq1012.
(7)Hu, Z., CW Zhu., Chen, X., Bonkowski, M., Griffiths, B., & Chen, F., et al. . Responses of rice paddy micro-food webs to elevated CO2 are modulated by nitrogen fertilization and crop cultivars. Soil Biology & Biochemistry, 114,104-113. CW Zhu* et al. (2016) Elevated atmospheric CO2 stimulates sugar accumulation and cellulose degradation rates of rice straw. Global Change Biology Bioenergy,2017, 8(3):579–587.
(8)CW Zhu et al.  Effect of elevated CO2 on the growth and macronutrient uptake of artemisia annua L. Pedosphere, 2016,26 (2): 235-242.
(9)Cheng Y,Zhang J,Zhu JG,Liu G,CW Zhu*,Wang SQ*.  Ten years of elevated atmospheric CO2 doesn't alter soil nitrogen availability in rice paddy. Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 2016,98:99-108.
(10)Jing, P., Wang, D., CW Zhu, & Chen, J. Plant physiological, morphological and yield-related responses to night temperature changes across different species and plant functional types. Frontiers in Plant Science, 2016,7(e56482).
(11)Liu Qi, Liu Benjuan, Ambus Per, Zhang Yanhui, Hansen Veronika, Lin Zhibin, Shen Dachun, Liu Gang, Bei Qicheng, Zhu Jianguo, Wang Xiaojie, Ma Jing, Lin Xingwu, Yu Yongchang, CW Zhu, Xie Zubin. Carbon footprint of rice production under biochar amendment - a case study in a chinese rice cropping system. Global Change Biology Bioenergy,2016, 8(1), 148-159.
(12)C Chen, Q Jiang, LH. Ziska, JG Zhu,G Liu,J Zhanga, K Ni, S Seneweera, CW Zhu*. Seed vigor of contrasting rice cultivars in response to elevated carbon dioxide. Field Crops Research, 2015, 178: 63–68.
(13)CW Zhu et al. An indica rice genotype showed a similar yield enhancement to that of hybrid rice under free air carbon dioxide enrichment. Scientific Reports, 2015, 5(1): 12719.
(14)CW Zhu et al. Historical and experimental evidence for enhanced concentration of artemisinin, a global anti-malarial treatment, with recent and projected increases in atmospheric carbon dioxide. Climatic Change, 2015,132 (2), 295-306.
(15)CW Zhu*, Xu X, Wang D, Zhu J et al. Elevated atmospheric CO2 stimulates sugar accumulation and cellulose degradation rates of rice straw. Global Change Biology Bioenergy, 2016, 8(3): 579-587.
(16)CW Zhu*, Xu X, Wang D, Zhu J et al. An indica rice genotype showed the similar enhancement of yield with hybrid rice under free air carbon dioxide enrichment. Scientific Reports, 2015, 5: 12719.
(17)G Ren, CW Zhu et al. Response of soil, leaf endosphere and phyllosphere bacterial communities to elevated CO2 and soil temperature in a rice paddy. Plant and soil, 2015, 392: 27-44.
(18)Zhang, G., Sakai, H., Usui, Y., Tokida, T., Nakamura, H., & CW Zhu., et al. Grain growth of different rice cultivars under elevated CO2, concentrations affects yield and quality. Field Crops Research,2015, 179: 72-80.
(19)CW Zhu et al. Biochemical and molecular characteristics of leaf photosynthesis and relative seed yield of two contrasting rice cultivars in response to elevated CO2.Journal of Experimental Botany, 2014, 65(20): 6049-6056.
(20)CW Zhu et al. Effects of elevated CO2 on lodging of stem and root within various genotypic rice. Science Bulletin, 2013, 58(1): 1-8.
(21)CW Zhu et al. Vulnerability of lodging risk to elevated CO2 and increased soil temperature differs between rice cultivars. European Journal of Agronomy,2013, 4620–24.
(22)CW Zhu, Cheng, W. G., Sakai, H., Oikawa, S., Laza, R. C., & Usui, Y., et al. Effects of elevated CO2 on stem and root lodging among rice cultivars. Chinese Science Bulletin, 2013, 58(15): 1787-1794.
(23)Hasegawa, T., Sakai, H., Tokida, T., Nakamura, H., CW Zhu., & Usui, Y., et al.. Rice cultivar responses to elevated CO2 at two free-air CO2 enrichment (FACE) sites in japan. Functional Plant Biology,2013, 40(2): 148-159.
(24)Zhang, G., Hidemitsu, S., Takeshi, T., Yasuhiro, U., CW Zhu, & Hirofumi, N., et al. The effects of free-air CO2 enrichment (FACE) on carbon and nitrogen accumulation in grains of rice (Oryza sativa L.). Journal of Experimental Botany, 2013,64(11): 3179-3188.
(25)CW Zhu et al. The temporal and species dynamics of photosynthetic acclimation in flag leaves of rice (Oryza sativa) and wheat (Triticum aestivum) under elevated carbon dioxide. Physiologia Plantarum, 2012, 145(3): 395-405.
(26)Lewis H. Ziska, James A. Bunce, Hiroyuki Shimono, David R. Gealy, Jeffrey T. Baker, Paul C. D .,Newton, Matthew P. Reynolds, Krishna S. V. Jagadish, CW Zhu, Mark Howden and Lloyd T. Wilson Ziska, L. H., Bunce, J. A., Shimono, H., Gealy, D. R., Baker, J. T., & Newton, P. C. D., et al. Food security and climate change: on the potential to adapt global crop production by active selection to rising atmospheric carbon dioxide. Proceedings Biological Sciences, 2012, 279(1745): 4097-4105.
(27)Zeng, Q., Liu, B., Ben, G., Zhang, Y., CW Zhu, & Ma, H., et al. Elevated Co2 effects on nutrient competition between a C3 crop (Oryza sativa L.) and a C4 weed (Echinochloa crusgalli L.). Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems, 2011, 89(1): 93-104.
(28)Liang, J., Zeng, Q., Zhu, J. G., CW Zhu, Cao, J. L., & Xie, Z. B., et al. Effects of O3-FACE(ozone-free air control enrichment) on gas exchange and chlorophyll fluorescence of rice leaf. Spectroscopy and Spectral Analysis, 2010, 30(4): 991-995.
(29)CW Zhu et al. Elevated CO2 accelerates flag leaf senescence in wheat due to ear photosynthesis which causes greater ear nitrogen sink capacity and ear carbon sink limitation. Functional Plant Biology, 2009, 36: 291–299.
(30)Cao, J. L., Zhu, J. G., Ma, H. L.,CW Zhu, Yan, J., & Zeng, Q., et al. Effect of free air CO2 enrichment (FACE) on phenolic acid metabolism in winter wheat leaf under different nitrogen levels. Chinese Journal of Eco-Agriculture, 2009, 17(5): 837-841
(31)CW Zhu et al. Elevated CO2 concentration enhances the role of the ear to the flag leaf in determining grain yield of wheat. Photosynthetica, 2008, 46 (2): 318-320.
(32)CW Zhu et al. Impact of nitrogen supply on carbon dioxide induced changes in competition between rice (a C3 crop) and Echinochloa crus-galli (a C4 weed). Weed Science, 2008, 56: 66–71.
Awards & Honors
(1)National "Ten Thousand outstanding Talents Plan" Youth Top Talents
(2)Ministry of Science and Technology - "Youth 973" project (global climate change field - excellent conclusion)
(3)Outstanding member of the Youth Promotion Association of Chinese Academy of Sciences
(4)LU JIAXI Award Junior Scientists of Chinese Academy of Sciences

Contact Us

Address: No.298 Chuangyou Road, Jiangning District, Nanjing, China
E-mail: iss@issas.ac.cn
Phone: 025-86881114