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Great congratulations to the successful opening of the 3rd international conference on soil pollution and its remediation (SOILREM 2008) TEXT SIZE: A A A


From Oct.18th to 21st, 2008, the 3rd International Conference on Soil Remediation (SOILREM 2008) was held in Nanjing International Conference Hotel, Nanjing, China. About 210 participants from 17 countries or regions attended the meeting, such as China, Netherlands, United States, Great Britain, Thailand, Japan, Australia, France, New Zealand, Canada, Denmark, Czech Republic, Poland, Mexico, South Africa, India and Malaysia, and Hong Kong and Taiwan.


SOILREM 2008 was sponsored by Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) and organized by Institute of Soil Science (ISS) [Soil and Environment Bioremediation Research Center (SEBC), Key Laboratory of Soil Environment and Pollution Remediation, and the Joint Lab of Soil and the Environment], the office for the State Key Basic Research and Development Program (973-2002CB410800), and in collaboration with the Netherlands Soil Partnership organization, Alterra, Wageningen University and Research Center (The Netherlands), Rothamsted Research (UK), and Hong Kong Baptist University (China). This conference was financially supported by Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC).


On the morning of 19 October, Prof. Yongming Luo, director of Key Laboratory of Soil Environment and Pollution Remediation in ISS-CAS, took charge of the opening ceremony. Prof. Renfang Shen (vice director of the Council of Soil Science Society of China, executive director of ISS-CAS) addressed the opening session. Xuliang Zhuang (director of department of ecology and environment, bureau of resources and environmental science and technology, CAS), Guolinag Zhou (Section chief of Ecology department, Office of Environmental Protection, Jiangsu), Mr. Ruud Cino [Section chief in Soil department of the Dutch Ministry of Housing, Spatial Planning and the Environment (VROM)], and Prof. Steve McGrath [ex-chairperson of International Soil Remediation Commission, Rothamsted Research (UK)] all gave ardent speeches. Academician Qiguo Zhao (ISS-CAS) and academician Zhaoliang Zhu (ISS-CAS) were present in this conference. Professor Peter de Ruiter [Chief of Soil Research Center, Wageningen University (The Netherlands)] and Dr. Jan Japenga [Alterra, Wageningen University and Research Center (The Netherlands)] were also invited to join.


With the theme of soil contamination and remediation, the organizing committee adopted the forms of plenary meeting, group discussion and posters to fulfill the agenda. During the three-day rally, topics as follows were discussed: survey methodology and spatial revealing of soil contaminationnew types of pollutantsnew technologies for pollutants analyzing and monitoringfraction, toxity and bioavailability of contaminantsrisk assessment of soil contamination, soil benchmark and criterionpolicies and strategies for soil environmental managementsupporting system for remediation decision-makingbioremediation of contaminated soil and ground waterin-situ remediation and its technical ordersoil amendmentsphysical or chemical remediation technologies. Besides, a Sino-Dutch Forum on Remediation of Organic Pollutants Contaminated Lands and Management also proceeded during the conference.