• Dr. Yuxin Tong Came to Visit ISSCAS

    Dr. Yuxin Tong, FAO Land and Water Officer of Global Soil Partnership (GSP)Secretariat, visited our institute.On November 7, 2023, Dr. Yuxin Tong, FAO Land and Water Officer of Global Soil Partnership (GSP)Secretariat, had a visit in our institute and communication with Vice President Prof. Xiaoyuan Yan and officers of the Division of Research Planning and Cooperation.
      Prof. Xiaoyuan Yan gave an ...

  • CAS Distinguished Scientist Awarding Ceremony for Dr. Damià Barceló Hosted in ISSCAS

    The institute hosted a ceremony to present the certificate of CAS Distinguished Scientist to Dr. Damià Barceló.On 30 October, the institute hosted a ceremony to present the certificate of CAS Distinguished Scientist to Dr. Damià Barceló, together with an academic seminar. ISSCAS Vice President Prof. Xiaoyuan Yan chaired the ceremony and awarded the certificate. Dr. Damià Barceló expressed his grat...

  • Dr. Damià Barceló Visited ISSCAS

    Dr. Damià Barceló visited our institute and attended a seminar.On 30 October, Dr. Damià Barceló, a Full Research Professor at the Institute of Environmental Assessment and Water Studies, visited our institute and attended the seminar themed on “Soil pollution and prevention and control”. Prof. Fang Wang chaired the seminar and Dr. Yang Song detailed ...

  • The Russian Academy of Sciences Delegation Visited ISSCAS

    On 25 October, Vice President of Russian Academy of Sciences (RAS) and his delegation visited ISSCAS.On 25 October, Vice President of Russian Academy of Sciences (RAS) and his delegation visited our institute and were received by ISSCAS President Prof. Renfang Shen, Vice President Prof. Xiaoyuan Yan and some researchers.
      During the panel, Prof. Renfang Shen extended warm welcome to RAS d...

  • The 11th International Symposium on Plant-Soil Interactions at Low pH Convened in Nanjing

    From 16 to 20 October, the 11th International Symposium on Plant-Soil Interactions at Low pH (11th PSILPH2023) was held in Nanjing by the Soil Science Society of China and ISSCAS under the guidance of Steering Committee of PSILPH.From 16 to 20 October, the 11th International Symposium on Plant-Soil Interactions at Low pH (11th PSILPH2023) was held in Nanjing by the Soil Science Society of China and ISSCAS under the guidance of Steering Committee of PSILPH. It received 260 attendees from ten countries including Japan, ...

  • Dr. Wei Zhang Visited ISSCAS on Invitation

    Dr. Wei Zhang Visited ISSCAS on 19 October 2023.On 19 October 2023, Dr. Wei Zhang, American Chair of the SSSC-SSSA Collaboration Committee and an Associate Professor in the Department of Plant, Soil and Microbial Sciences of Michigan State University, came to visit the ISSCAS under the invitation of SSSC. Prof. Xiaoyuan Yan, SSSC Vice Pres...


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