September 1st, a world renowned scholar couple Professor Pamela Matson and Professor Peter Vitousek from Stanford University visited the Institute of Soil science, Chinese Academy of Sciences (ISSAS).
More than 400 researchers and students witnessed the ceremony appointing Prof. Pamela Matson to the “Einstein Professorship of Chinese Academy of Sciences”. Prof. SHEN Renfang, director of ISSAS, awarded the certificate to Prof. Matson. After that, Prof. Matson and Prof. Vitousek delivered two speeches entitled “Seeds of Sustainability: Transitions to Sustainability for Intensive Agriculture” and “Trajectories of Global Change in the Biogeochemical Cycles”. During their one week visit, Prof. Matson and Prof. Vitousek conducted academic exchanges with ISSAS researchers, and also visited Eco-environment research center of CAS and China Agricultural University.
About Professor Matson and Professor Vitousek
Professor Matson and Professor Vitousek are regarded as visionaries in global environmental change and the sustainable development of society. As two of the world’s most celebrated environmental scientists, they work with multi-disciplinary teams of researchers and decision makers to develop sustainable resource management approaches that make sense in both economic and environmental terms. Much of their research has focused on human influences on biogeochemical processes, biodiversity, greenhouse gas emissions and climate change. Their work is foremost in the field of sustainable development and its relationship to terrestrial and atmospheric sciences.
Pamela Matson chairs the US National Research Council’s Roundtable on Science and Technology for Sustainability and has promoted “place-based integrative analysis” – understanding the dynamics and forces of change in the integrated social biophysical systems. She is Chester Naramore Dean of the School of Earth Sciences; Richard and Rhoda Goldman Professor of Environmental Studies and Senior Fellow at the Woods Institute for the Environment; Burton and Deedee McMurtry University Fellow in Undergraduate Education at Stanford.
Professor Matson is the author of over 150 scientific publications and four books. A MacArthur Fellow and a Fellow of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences and the National Academy of Sciences and serves on Boards for the World Wildlife Fund, US and the National Parks Conservation Association.
Awards bestowed on Professor Matson include: Ames Associate Fellow (1992); American Academy of Arts and Sciences (1992); NASA Exceptional Service Medal (1993); National Academy of Sciences (1994); MacArthur Fellow (1995); University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire Distinguished Alumni Award (1996); AAAS Fellow (1997); McMurtry Fellow for Undergraduate Education (2002); Richard W. Lyman Award for exceptional volunteer service to the university (2005).
Peter Vitousek was voted America’s “best’ ecologist and ecosystem analyst by CNN/Time in 2001. He is the Clifford G. Morrison Professor of Population and Resource Studies with a B.A. from Amherst and a Ph.D. from Dartmouth. His publications are in excess of 150, many of which are widely cited and ground-breaking. He won the Japan Prize in 2010 for contributions to solving global environmental issues based on the analysis of nitrogen and other substances’ cycles.
Awards that have been bestowed on Professor Vitousek include: Pew Scholar in Conservation and Environment, 1990; W.S. Cooper Award, Ecological Society of America, 1992; R.H. MacArthur Award, Ecological Society of America, 1993; Time/CNN America’s best ecologist, 2002; Princeton Environmental Prize, 2002; Fellow, National Academy of Sciences, 1992; American Academy of Arts and Sciences, 1993; American Association for the Advancement of Science, 1994; California Academy of Sciences, 1994; Marsh Ecology Book Award, British Ecological Society, 2005; Tansley Lecturer, British Ecological Society, 2005; Award for Scientific Reviewing, National Academy of Sciences, 2006. Fellow, National Academy of Sciences, 1992; American Academy of Arts and Sciences, 1993; American Association for the Advancement of Science, 1994; California Academy of Sciences, 1994, and; D.Sc., Amherst College, 2003.
About the Einstein Professorship Program
The Einstein Professorship Program is initiated by the CAS in 2004. Einstein Professorships will be awarded each year to 20 distinguished international scientists actively working at the frontiers of science and technology, for conducting lecture-tours to China. It aims to strengthen science and technology links, cooperation and exchange between CAS scientists and respective Einstein Professors and their laboratories, and enhance the training of future generations of scientists in China.
Dr. Renfang SHEN awarded the certificate to Prof. Pamela Matson |

Prof.Pamela Matson

Prof. Matson and Prof. Vitousek