Soil organic carbon is the largest terrestrial carbon pool, and microbial-derived carbon (MDC) is a significant component of the stable soil carbon pool. However, current estimation methods for MDC concentrations are uncertain due to limited sample sizes and overlooked bacterial group composi...
A research team led by Prof. ZHU Chunwu from the Institute of Soil Science, Chinese Academy of Sciences (ISSCAS) projected changes in global future rice yield under conditions of rising CO2 concentrations.In a world grappling with climate change, rice, a staple food for over half of the glob...
China faces widespread soil arsenic pollution caused by intensifed industrial and agricultural activities, the impacts of which, however, have never been evaluated at the national scale.A team led by Researcher LUO Yongming from the Soil and Agricultural Sustainability Key Laboratory of the Institute of Soil Science, Chinese Academy of Sciences (ISSCAS), along with their collaborators, have made significant advancements in understanding arsenic contamination in China’s surf...
Since the Green Revolution in the 1960s, mineral N fertilizers have been a key factor in boosting crop yields and feeding a growing population. Low-carbon approaches to agriculture constitute a pivotal measure to address the challenge of global climate change. In agroecosystems, rhizosphere exudates are significantly involved in regulating the nitrogen (N) cycle and facilitating belowground chemical communication between plants and s...
Industrialization brought about significant changes in pollution patterns, introducing new contaminants into the environment such as heavy metals, industrial chemicals, and particulate matter. The rise in environmental pollution is driven by rapid global development, which often prioritizes human needs over the health of the planet. Despite efforts to control legacy pollutants, the continual introduction of new substances poses a significant threat to both people and the environmen...
Saline–alkali land is an important cultivated land reserve resource for meeting the challenge of feeding the increasing global human population. Saline–alkali land is an important cultivated land reserve resource for tackling global climate change and ensuring food security, partly because it can store large amounts of carbon (C). However, it is unclear how saline–alkali land reclamation (converting saline–alkali land into cultivat...